Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Look what I received in the mail today!!!

I was so excited to arrive home from work and have this package waiting on my door step for me.

Traci, from York Mountain Primitives and I decided to do a swap. I had asked her if she could make me one

of her beautiful summer time wreaths. Wow, was I ever surprised when I opened the package, this wreath is

absolutely stunning. It is full of garden veggies and has two of the cutest crows on it. 

I had to put it on my door right away!!! Isn't it gorgeous!!!! Those veggies look good enough to eat!!!

This really touched my heart a flicker light candle
with Farmhouse Prims on it, I love it Traci!!! This is so special!!!

You talk about an awesome prim candle mat, look at the penny rugs and 1851 tag!!!!  It is prim perfect!!!

The cutest crow pillow and wooden board with stitchery and bumble bee attached!!! I love them Traci!!!

The wreath was way to much, I love each and everything Traci, but when I read her card about this bear, it brought tears to my eyes, but happy tears.
This is one of Traci's bears, and does she every make wonderful bears, she named this one, "Darwin", it's an Old English name for "dear friend"!!!!!

Traci is a wonderful, talented lady, you need to check out her blog and website.
And she is one of the sweetest persons that I have ever met, I feel a special bond between us. I guess you would call it, Kindred Spirits!!!
Thank you Traci for everything, you really spoiled me, and I will treasure your goodies forever!!!
Blogging friends are the best, and Traci you will be a friend for life!!!!!!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

The best of both worlds!!

Alot of you have made comments that you didn't know that I am a hairdresser. I have a hair salon in my home. Most of my customers are now my friends.
 And having your own business is the great American dream.

 I also went back to school and graduated in 2005 with an LPN degree, it was so hard going back to school at 45. I think I worked twice as hard to do half as good as those young girls.

 My nursing job is substitute nurse for our county schools. The pay is not that great, but it is so rewarding.
I cannot leave my job there at the schools though, I come home and worry about the little kids. Some things really touch my heart. Like one little girl that told me that her mommy is never home and that she is always away taking cancer treatments (I cried for days over that). Some tell me that their mommies or daddy's have left. I just want to take them all home. I really love them!!! I hope I can show them love and compassion and make a difference in their lives.

 I am also a crafter want to be, I love making my bonnets and dabbling in a few other things, that is my relaxation. I wish I had more time to craft, but I do it when I can.

 I want to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday weekend. I am so proud to be an American. I am proud of our men and woman who have served our country so that I can live in freedom.  Thank you present and former people of the military and I remember our fallen soldiers who have sacrificed their lives for this great country!!!! God bless the USA!!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

New Swap Goodies!

Yesterday I received a wonderful package from Linda, of Parkers Paradise!

 Linda is one of the sweetest persons that I have every met. She likes to take old cutting boards

and other things and make them into prim treasures.

 I was thrilled to see that she had given me a cutting board with some of her awesome smelling grubbies!!!

Not only did she give me that cutting board, but another one made into a candle board, with another one

of her yummy grubbied candles.

 I wish I would have taken pictures of them wrapped, but she had them wrapped in two lovely country

towels, she added two lovely coasters also.

 Linda, I love , love everything!!! Thank you for making these goodies for me!!!!!! Check out Linda's blog

she is always showing the most beautiful pictures of her home, her work and often tips and recipes!!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

New doll and tarts!

I ordered one of Samantha's tissue box holder dolls for my hair salon. Was I really thrilled today when the doll

arrived. I love prairie things and I just had to have this tissue box holder doll. She is so darn cute, I also order a

"Grannies Cornbread" tart. Now let me tell you, does it ever smell yummy. Well what did Samantha go and

do she sent me a few extra. I love them everything Samantha, and thank you for making the doll for me. I

love her!!!!!

  Check out her wonderful blog, Samantha makes aprons, stitcheries, tarts, and dolls, she is soooo talented!

  I also want to thank all of my wonderful prim friends for the lovely comments that you leave on my blog,

I really want to give each of you a personal reply, but I have been so busy working that I don't have much

time for blogging. Hugs, to each of you!!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

New Prairie Doll

I managed to do a little crafting this weekend. I can only show a picture of a doll that I made. I used a chestnut juction pattern. I added the bonnet to give her that prairie look.

 I made a few other goodies, but shhhhh can't show pictures at this time, they were things for swaps. he he

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bag Holder Doll!

A while back I purchased a bag holder doll from Sandy "The Olde Country Cupboard"

Isn't she the cutest, Sandy makes wonderful things, check out her blog!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Goodies in the Mail!!!

I ordered a candle mat from Brenda, Pine Tree Prims, even though I make candle mats, I get tired of my

own things. Well what a beautiful candle mat Brenda made, and her stitching is perfect!

 I told her how much I loved her little stitchery pillows. Well when I received my candle mat,

guess what she included. Two of the cutest little stitchery pillows. They are so beautiful.

Thank you Brenda, I know you put alot of work into your pillows and candle mats.

I love them and thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! Aren't blogger friends the greatest!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Swap goodies from Grannies Pantry

My good friend Michelle, Grannies Pantry and I had another swap. now Michelle is the swapping queen.

She makes awesome penny rugs, but did you know that she also makes ornies. OMG look at the awesome

ornies that Michelle sent me. I love them, thank you Michelle, you do such awesome work. I love everything!

One set is pineapples and strawberries,
One set is bumble bees and beeskep.

Another set is crows and watermellons.

And a set of assorted flowers. She also sent two beautiful towels!!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

New Swap Goodies!

Pam from http://goldieloowoodworks.blogspot.com/

 and I did a swap. She sent me the most awesome blackboard with pegs.

That was supposed to be my swap item. But she spoiled me.

She not only sent me that, but three more of her awesome signs.

She also surprised me with some of her sisters homemade soap.

Pam is so talented and has had her work displayed in "Country Sampler"

magazine.  Please check out her blog and website, you

won't be disappointed. Thank you Pam for swapping with me,

I love everything!!!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Pa. trip goodies!

I will show some pictures of some of the flowers that I got on my trip to Pa. I would have loved to

taken  some pictures of the greenhouses, of all the beautiful flowers, but the Amish are private and do not like

us Englisher's taking pictures of them.

 I bought some fabric, but am saving it to make some bonnets and crafts. I will post them later, if

I ever have time to make them.

 And here is a prairie dress and apron that I bought. I have been wanting a prairie dress for a long time

to hang on a peg rack. I also bought a few other goodies that I will just show in one photo.

I bought some asparagus, we stopped at a road side stand and they were sold out so the little Amish boy,

just went right to his garden and picked me a bunch, you can't get no fresher than that. We always have to

get farmers cheese and Pa. Dutch Lebonnen bologna.


Friday, May 13, 2011

Lancaster Pa. Trip

Last Friday my BF Sheila and I made a quick trip to Lancaster, Pa. We went to several green houses, some prim shops and ate really good, lots of comfort food. And laughed alot which was a good thing.

I forgot to take a picture of us, this is Sheila and I.

I will post a few pictures of some of the Amish, and some pictures later of some of my purchases.

Monday, May 9, 2011

More Swap Goodies!

Amy http://bumblebeelanecottage.blogspot.com/ and I did a swap. She sent me some really awesome prim

goodies. She sent me a scoop, ragballs, heart with raggedy, candy, prim towel , and a rooster that she made

out of beeswax. ( She also made the rag balls.)

 Amy is one talented girl and such an awesome prim decorator. She is a sweetie and I am glad she is my

prim friend. Thanks Amy, I love everything!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

I want to wish all my blogging friends that are Mother's and Grandmothers a, "Happy Mother's Day"!

 As I get older I realize more and more the true unshelfish love that a mother has.

 My mother was only 23 when she had 4 children. She came from a family of 11 and my grandfather was an

alcoholic. My mother was determined that her children would have a better life than her.

  She worked so hard, my parents lived on a chicken farm, she had big gardens and would can everything

she could get her hands on so we would have wonderful food for the Winter.

 She taught me and my siblings about sharing, love and caring for other people. She made sure we went to

Sunday school and on Easter, had a new frilly dress and patent leather shoes. He He She would allow me to

have 3 of my school friend spend the night at one time. She was so proud of us when we graduated from highschool.

My mom always did without so that we could have, she is a very private woman. She is an inspriration to me. My mother's love and sacrifice is what helped mold me into the person that I am today!

I would be proud to be half the woman that she is. I love my mom very much and know as her and my dad

are getting older that I won't have them forever, so I cherish each day!

I love you mom and Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Look what I won!

I was lucky enough to be one of the winners of  PAFA wonderful giveaway. The prize that I won was

made by Charlene http://catsdesigns.blogspot.com/

Charlene makes the most wonderful prim signs. The sign that I won has the most beautiful saying

"Leave Room In The Garden For The Angels To Dance", I just love that!!!

 Thank you Charlene for the beautiful sign and being apart of such a wonderful group.

Thank you PAFA for hosting such a wonderful giveway! I love the sign Charlene. I have my little "Lilly" Angel above the sign, that Becky , primitivesnstitchin made me, perfect, spot.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Swap Goodies!

Michelle  http://michellefincham.blogspot.com/

and I have done another swap. She makes the most awesome penny rugs, she is the

penny rug queen. She always spoils me with her creations. What talent!!!

Look at the cute Beeskep! I love this bee she made , he matches perfectly!

OMG, I am ready for summer, look at the crows, pear, and watermellon! Thanks Michelle, I love everything!!!