Friday, May 27, 2011

New Swap Goodies!

Yesterday I received a wonderful package from Linda, of Parkers Paradise!

 Linda is one of the sweetest persons that I have every met. She likes to take old cutting boards

and other things and make them into prim treasures.

 I was thrilled to see that she had given me a cutting board with some of her awesome smelling grubbies!!!

Not only did she give me that cutting board, but another one made into a candle board, with another one

of her yummy grubbied candles.

 I wish I would have taken pictures of them wrapped, but she had them wrapped in two lovely country

towels, she added two lovely coasters also.

 Linda, I love , love everything!!! Thank you for making these goodies for me!!!!!! Check out Linda's blog

she is always showing the most beautiful pictures of her home, her work and often tips and recipes!!!


  1. Hi Lecia, nice swap goodies. The candles look great, love the candle board!! Linda is such a sweet lady!!

  2. Hi Lecia,
    Nice swap treasures!! Linda is so clever - and nice! :)
    Those cutting boards are both wonderful. I've been seeing some really neat ideas for using them, so now I'm going to have to hunt a couple of them down, I think. :)
    Happy Weekend,

  3. Hi again Lecia-I was wondering if you could help me. This morning while looking at your blog, I saw the lovely hoosier cabinet in the top picture, and saw the prim rabbit hanging on it. I have seen this pattern before, but cannot find it now...can you tell me who the maker is, if possible. Thanks so much!

  4. Hi Lecia~

    Love all your goodies from Linda!!

    Have a wonderful weekend~Becky

  5. Lecia,
    Looks like you got some nice prim goodies from Linda.
    Swaps are so much fun.
    Have a nice day
    Country at heart

  6. Lecia,
    Wow what great goodies you got , we sure have true friend in Linda she is such a blessing to all of us that have had the opportunity to truly get to know her and call her friend! Enjoy your day ! hugs
    lil raggedy angie

  7. I'm really glad that you are pleased with my offerings. I did enjoy the making process. I love knowing I made someone smile!

  8. Now how cute are those!!! Love them! Sweet Linda and lucky you! Have a great holiday weekend! Smiles & Hugs, Robin

  9. Linda is a wonderful, generous person!
    Love the candle on the cutting board
    with the pipberry ring.

    Bear Hugs & Blessings~Karen

  10. What a great swap !Such a pretty color on the candle board .Love it all .Have a great weekend! Jen

  11. WOW! You betcha you got some great things there! Linda is a very nice lady! Thanks for visiting me, I appreciate each friend that does!
    Have a good weekend!

  12. Great goodies from all of it!!!


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