Wednesday, May 25, 2011

New doll and tarts!

I ordered one of Samantha's tissue box holder dolls for my hair salon. Was I really thrilled today when the doll

arrived. I love prairie things and I just had to have this tissue box holder doll. She is so darn cute, I also order a

"Grannies Cornbread" tart. Now let me tell you, does it ever smell yummy. Well what did Samantha go and

do she sent me a few extra. I love them everything Samantha, and thank you for making the doll for me. I

love her!!!!!

  Check out her wonderful blog, Samantha makes aprons, stitcheries, tarts, and dolls, she is soooo talented!

  I also want to thank all of my wonderful prim friends for the lovely comments that you leave on my blog,

I really want to give each of you a personal reply, but I have been so busy working that I don't have much

time for blogging. Hugs, to each of you!!!


  1. Lecia~

    I love your new tissue doll. She's adorable.

    Have a good night~Becky

  2. Darling Doll..
    Great job to Samantha!!
    I bet you were just tickled.
    Hugs Granny Trace

  3. That's a cute spin on the bag holder doll, really dressed up for summer.
    The tarts really smell like cornbread? Mmmmmm.
    I did not know you were a beautician.

  4. Hi Lecia,
    What a wonderful tissue holder...she is so cute and prim!! I have a pattern to make one that looks like a mini apron. Seeing your doll one makes me want to make mine now.
    Hope you are having a great week.

  5. Your new tissue doll is so very sweet, Lecia! And you're so sweet to send out a thank you to everyone....We just love you so, ya know! No matter that you're busy. Wow - I didn't know you had a hair salon...You're one busy (and talented) gal! Smiles & Hugs, Robin

  6. Lecia,
    Love the tissue doll, it will make a nice addition to your salon. Hey, my daughter is a hair dresser too. Even though we all are busy, there's still time to craft and chat with blog friends but it is also nice to have goodies made by others.
    Enjoy your doll
    Country at heart

  7. Morning Lecia... Aww, what a cute doll, so sweet. I think this time of year everyone is busy, I guess that's one good thing about those cold winter's days... not so busy....


  8. I've been going to order tarts from Samantha, guess I will for sure now!
    Great little tissue holder dolly!
    Have a wonderful day~

  9. Hi Lecia, cute doll!! I too did not know you were a beautician. I just thought you crafted and made wonderful bonnets!!8-) I've been terrible at blogging lately, I do not know where the time goes but it goes too fast.
    Have a great day!!

  10. Love your new doll and I bet those tarts smell wonderful. Thanks so much for checking out my blog and becoming a follower.I look forward to getting to know you better.I have enjoyed your blog for some time.Hugs,Jen

  11. Lecia, Ok I am giving this a try! Tryed before wouldn't let me leave a comment... went and deleted my cookies and crap... looks like it's going to work!!! YIPPEEE!!!!
    Don't work to hard GF.....everyone needs a little down time! Love the tissue holder!!!! OLM


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