Saturday, May 28, 2011

The best of both worlds!!

Alot of you have made comments that you didn't know that I am a hairdresser. I have a hair salon in my home. Most of my customers are now my friends.
 And having your own business is the great American dream.

 I also went back to school and graduated in 2005 with an LPN degree, it was so hard going back to school at 45. I think I worked twice as hard to do half as good as those young girls.

 My nursing job is substitute nurse for our county schools. The pay is not that great, but it is so rewarding.
I cannot leave my job there at the schools though, I come home and worry about the little kids. Some things really touch my heart. Like one little girl that told me that her mommy is never home and that she is always away taking cancer treatments (I cried for days over that). Some tell me that their mommies or daddy's have left. I just want to take them all home. I really love them!!! I hope I can show them love and compassion and make a difference in their lives.

 I am also a crafter want to be, I love making my bonnets and dabbling in a few other things, that is my relaxation. I wish I had more time to craft, but I do it when I can.

 I want to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday weekend. I am so proud to be an American. I am proud of our men and woman who have served our country so that I can live in freedom.  Thank you present and former people of the military and I remember our fallen soldiers who have sacrificed their lives for this great country!!!! God bless the USA!!!


  1. I'm SURE you make a big difference in those children's lives just by having compassion! It's sad to say but alot of folks these days don't and only care about themselves. I worked at an animal hospital until a year ago when my back problems got the best of me, but I would get so attached to those patients and cry for days over some of them passing:( Have a safe and wonderful weekend!

  2. You should be proud of your accomplishments Lecia. I commend you for going back to school at 45!
    Thank you for being a great online friend, I'm sure if we lived close we'd have lots of fun.
    Bless you friend.

  3. You should be very proud of your accomplishments and your dual careers ~ plus being a crafter extraordinaire to boot (what's with this "wanna-be" stuff! P-shaw!) I am certain that you touch those little lives at the school in ways you do not even know - nor do they perhaps yet. But a prayer, an act of kindness, a touch - can ripple with blessings for years. You, too, have a wonderful holiday weekend, friend! Smiles & Hugs, Robin

  4. The Kindness of your heart is the sunshine
    for those sweet little kids,leaving your
    footprint upon each of them...the Lord has
    you in the perfect place and His will

    Have Enjoyable Memorial Weekend...
    God Bless the USA
    Many Blessing.....

  5. Wow what an accomplishment to have gone back to school and not to mention brave.I am sure that you make a big difference in the lives of anyone you meet.I just want to say I have always enjoyed your blog. Have a great weekend! Jen

  6. Thanks for sharing! I feel for you. When I taught Head Start, I saw so many kids that needed love and a friendly face. So many times, kids would be left at school. We'd have to call around looking for their parents. It is so sad that they do not realize the treasures they have. It is extremely difficult to leave those things at work, but we have to try or they will eat us up inside. As a school nurse, you are a mandatory reporter, right? I have been out of teaching since 1992, and I still feel compelled to call someone when I see a child being abused or neglected or picked on. Luckily, I made it through 20+ years without having a really serious case. My niece is a social worker that deals specifically with abuse. When she isn't at work, she is on call and has had to leave family functions because she got 'the' call.
    I'm proud to know you, Lecia. You make my heart sing with pride. You are truly an accomplished woman!
    May your days be filled with happy gossip and smiling children. That would be the best of both worlds, wouldn't it?

  7. O Im positive you make an impact on those lil lives , as I know you have made an impact even in blogland. You should be proud of all your talents and education No matter what age you did it , that's says alot about your character thats more than some! and I dont wanna hear this wannabe crafter garbage WOMAN YOU GOT SOME SERIOUS SKILLS , AND YOU'RE DABBLING IS IN HIGH DEMAND ! Stay strong and never sell yourself short and keep creating WE LOVE YOUR CREATIONS, YOU ARE VERY TALENTED. HUGS AND LOVE

  8. Lecia,
    You sure are a busy lady. But doing the things you love is what its all about. I hate to watch the news sometimes when it is about children being abused or killed by someone. I have to turn the channel. It stays on my mind for days.
    I am also very thankful for the men and women who serve our country and are away from their families. They are over there fighting for our freedom. God Bless America
    Country at heart

  9. You make a difference every time you listen, hug, smile and care. But I know it never feels like enough. I feel that all the time in my classroom.


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