Saturday, May 14, 2011

Pa. trip goodies!

I will show some pictures of some of the flowers that I got on my trip to Pa. I would have loved to

taken  some pictures of the greenhouses, of all the beautiful flowers, but the Amish are private and do not like

us Englisher's taking pictures of them.

 I bought some fabric, but am saving it to make some bonnets and crafts. I will post them later, if

I ever have time to make them.

 And here is a prairie dress and apron that I bought. I have been wanting a prairie dress for a long time

to hang on a peg rack. I also bought a few other goodies that I will just show in one photo.

I bought some asparagus, we stopped at a road side stand and they were sold out so the little Amish boy,

just went right to his garden and picked me a bunch, you can't get no fresher than that. We always have to

get farmers cheese and Pa. Dutch Lebonnen bologna.



  1. Love all of your goodies, especially the dress. I would like to make a trip there one day. I really like the little radio flyer wagon as a flower container.

  2. What lovely flowers and treasures you found here in Pa. I so love how you planted the flowers in the wagon.
    Hugs Granny Trace

  3. How sweet of that little boy! Love all those pretty flowers and the prairie dress is wonderful!!!

  4. Hi Lecia..

    Oh, look how pretty all those posies are, love the wagon of impatients...

    Your new prairie dress is so prim!


  5. Beautiful flowers!! How nice of that Amish boy to go and get you some fresh!!


  6. Beautiful Lecia!
    I love it all! I am glad you had a great time! I have lots of catching up to do! I got a great deal today too, but it needs to stop raining! 43 flowers for only 18.00! Not too shabby!
    Have a great weekend!

  7. Your flower are GORGEOUS, Lecia!! So amazingly cheerful...Love them! Love your prairie dress too - looks that that spot was just waiting for it. Oh, how I would have been on that trip with you! Have a wonderful weekend! Smiles & Hugs, Robin

  8. Sounds like you had a wonderful trip sweetie! I miss my weekly trip up there but not the drive.Your flowers are beautiful.Mine are popping up but need to get some pretty annuals in.Hugs!~Amy

  9. We get our flowers from an Amish greenhouse, too! I put impatiens in my coal bucket. I love what they manage to do and the great prices they have. We get our eggs there, too.
    I love the dress and I really love the ticking stars. A beautiful day.......

  10. Sounds like you had a great time.
    Love all your goodies you got.
    Your flowers are beautiful!
    Enjoy your weekend!
    Prim Blessings

  11. I love the flowers and need some myself. Excellent prim goodies too. I'll be anxiously waiting to see what you make with your new fabrics:)

  12. Lecia, Loe the goodies, but your flowers are beautiful!!! OLM

  13. What a wonderful Trip you had with your BF
    love all the flowers..Been years since I
    been to Pa love that part of the Country...

    Prim Hugs...
    Have a wonderful Weekend

  14. It looks like you had a wonderful time. Your flowers are beautiful. It's STILL to cold here to get any flowers out! Not sure it will ever warm up.

  15. WOW!!!! Glad to hear you had a nice time in PA! You came home with lots of wonderful goodies!

  16. Great goodies sweetie!So glad to see you made it to Lancaster!love the flowers too!Have a great week!
    big hugs

  17. Hi Lecia, what wonderful goodies!! I love the prairie dress, looks great with the apron and bonnet. A prairie dress is on my lists of wants too. Beautiful flowers!! Love the wagon!!
    Have a great Sunday!!

  18. Great photos Lecia! Sounds like a fun trip. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Tina


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