Friday, May 13, 2011

Lancaster Pa. Trip

Last Friday my BF Sheila and I made a quick trip to Lancaster, Pa. We went to several green houses, some prim shops and ate really good, lots of comfort food. And laughed alot which was a good thing.

I forgot to take a picture of us, this is Sheila and I.

I will post a few pictures of some of the Amish, and some pictures later of some of my purchases.


  1. Sounds like you had a great time! I'm going back to Ohio Amish country in 2 weeks, just can't wait:D Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Awesome, a road trip to Amish country. Good for you Lecia. Anxious to see what you brought home:)

  3. What a fun filled girlfriend day. We stayed in Lancaster last summer and visited Landis Valley Museum.

  4. Lucky you Lecia!! What I would give for a trip to Amish country!! Can't wait to see what you bought!!


  5. How cool is that?? I so want to go to Lancaster one day...SOME day!! So beautiful! Great photo of you and your BF! Can't wait to see more! Smiles & Hugs, Robin

  6. I am so happy for you. A road trip with a friend is just what the doctor ordered!
    Blessings my sweet friend.
    Love the pictures!

  7. Je suis allée moi aussi dans le lancaster ! j'ai adoré vous pouvez voir mes photos sur mon blog

  8. Lecia,
    What a nice trip you had. Those are special days to remember. We have an Amish community here in our county. They all have shops of all sorts. People come for miles just to shop there.
    There is a festival in their community about every weekend. Last week was a wedding for one of the families and now they will be building a home for them. They have such neat and tidy homes and farms. Wonderful just to drive through and site see.
    Glad you had a good time.
    Country at heart

  9. Lecia, Nice special time you and BF Sheila
    had..Enjoyed seeing all the places you when
    to in Amish Country
    Have a awesome Weekend


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