Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

I want to wish all my blogging friends that are Mother's and Grandmothers a, "Happy Mother's Day"!

 As I get older I realize more and more the true unshelfish love that a mother has.

 My mother was only 23 when she had 4 children. She came from a family of 11 and my grandfather was an

alcoholic. My mother was determined that her children would have a better life than her.

  She worked so hard, my parents lived on a chicken farm, she had big gardens and would can everything

she could get her hands on so we would have wonderful food for the Winter.

 She taught me and my siblings about sharing, love and caring for other people. She made sure we went to

Sunday school and on Easter, had a new frilly dress and patent leather shoes. He He She would allow me to

have 3 of my school friend spend the night at one time. She was so proud of us when we graduated from highschool.

My mom always did without so that we could have, she is a very private woman. She is an inspriration to me. My mother's love and sacrifice is what helped mold me into the person that I am today!

I would be proud to be half the woman that she is. I love my mom very much and know as her and my dad

are getting older that I won't have them forever, so I cherish each day!

I love you mom and Happy Mother's Day!


  1. Happy Mother's Day, Lecia...

    Blessings, Traci

  2. Happy Mother's Day & Grandmother's Day to you my friend!! Enjoy it!!

    Big Hugs~Becky

  3. Happy Mother's Day to you to you too Lecia. What a beautiful tribute to your Mom, she sounds like a wonderful caring woman. I know she is so proud of you as well, as you have followed in her footsets. :) Wishing you a wonderful day! Big Hugs......Mary

  4. Lecia,

    Happy Mother's Day to you and your mom. I hope you have a wonderful day. What a nice tribute to your mom...she sounds like a wonderful woman...everything a mother should be!


  5. What a wonderful testimonial to your mother, Lecia! And I would say that the proof is in the pudding - From the short time I'm known you, I've found you to be loving, caring, sharing - she has mold you very, very well. Have a blessed, blissful mother's day Sweetie! Hugs & Smiles, Robin (Which one are you in the photo???)

  6. Beautiful tribute, Lecia. You are lucky to have such a wonderful mother!

  7. happy mothers day Lecia..and what a wonderful tribute to your mom.;)

  8. Such sweet memories and a wonderful tribute ! Thanks so much for sharing ! wishing you a beautiful day ! hugs
    lil raggedy angie

  9. How very sweet and loving you turned out to be! Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day Lecia!

  10. What an amazing mother you certainly have sweetie!I hope your mother and youself had a wonderful mothers day !
    big hugs michelle

  11. Happy Mother's Day Lecia! A beautiful post!

  12. Lecia, I hope you had a wonderful Mothers Day!
    Your post was touching.
    Prim Blessings


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