Sunday, January 26, 2014

Two New Bonnets for sale

Burr is it ever cold, I think most of us are living in a deep freeze, whatever happened to the global warming?
I would like some of that right now. My Bo doggie is so spoiled, boy when he goes out to potty, it is a quick trip and back into the house. I feel so sorry for all the animals exposed to this cold. I don't know how the cows survive out in the fields. It just breaks my heart to think of poor dogs being chained up to a barrel or dog house with no warm bedding.
 I did want to show the most recent bonnets that I have made, every time I make new ones, I always think,
now this is the prettiest ones yet. I do really love both of these patterns.
The bonnets are approx. 26" long and are $22.99 each and shipping. Email me with any questions or
to purchase  The bonnets are inspired by a "Drakestone Primitive".

Dark Brown 2 available

Another picture of the Dark Brown
One black one available

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

New Sampler

 It has been snowing here all day so I didn't have to work at school. I worked some on getting my tax
papers ready to take to an accountant, such a dreaded job. ( I let everything in a folder and just do it once a year, making it a big job.)
I did want to show you my latest cross stitch project. I am really having fun cross stitching.
I have a ugly thermostat on my dining room wall that is an eye sore to me, I had a brain storm and
covered it up with a beautiful enamel pan, more country looking I think. Who would know a thermostat is underneath hiding.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Prayer request!

Hey blogger friends, hope everyone is staying warm and cozy this Winter. I am waiting patiently for Spring.
I love the different seasons, but am pretty much done with Winter after Christmas.
First I do want to let you know that I have 3 Dark Blue Bonnets left, they are $22.99 plus shipping,
inspired by a Drakestone Primitive pattern. Email me at   if interested.

As most of you know I have a double career. I have been a hairstylist for many years and have a hair salon
in my basement. It is the American dream to be able to have your own business. But not perfect,
no benefits, no retirement, no guaranteed income, but it is something about being your own boss.
And when my daughter and my mom were ill I could change my appointments around to suit my schedule.
  And you know that in 2005 I graduated from nursing school and received my LPN degree, my nursing job
is substitute nurse for our county schools. I have really fallen in love with this one little country school and have always thought if a full time position came available that that would be my school.
  Well I had no idea that it would happen so quick, I have been offered the full time position but just don't
think I am going to take it. I have prayed and prayed and prayed and honestly in my heart, I don't know
what to do, I feel like whatever decision I make will be the wrong one, I just feel no peace.
I love those little children and when they see me out somewhere they come running and talk to me, and
they just melt my heart.I want to take them all home.
 Working full time though would most likely put an end to my hair business, physically I just don't think I could do both. And it would pretty much put a damper on my crafting that I love to do.
And I would probably take the job if the pay were more, the pay is horrible for a nurse, and with the responsibility of the children it is a disgrace to even consider paying a nurse such a salary, I would probably make more working at McDonalds, not that it is anything wrong with that, I just spent two years of my life
studying to become a nurse and deserve nurses pay. I can't believe that our school systems don't have
anymore respect for a person that really has their childs well being and care in their hands.
But on the other hand I would do it in a heart beat if I knew that the Lord wanted me to, no matter what the pay.
I am just so confused, say a little prayer for me that I will make the right decision and be at peace about it,
Lord just talk to me and I will listen!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Valentine Sampler and new bonnets.

 I decided to make myself a Valentine sampler. I am quite proud of how it turned out, this is my third
cross stitching project. It seems to get a little easier with each one that I make.

I was able to make a few bonnets. I get alot of requests for Dark Blue bonnets.
I am asking $22.99 each plus shipping.
Bonnets are approx. 26" long and inspired by a Drakestone Primitives pattern.
Email me with any questions or to purchase.
I have 4 of these dark blue bonnets available.

I did make 2 black bonnets, sale pending on both of these. Thanks!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Wonderful surprise in the mail, a new pattern designer and new pin keep.

Blogging has been a wonderful experience for me. I have met so many wonderful people that I would
never have met if it weren't for my blog. I have made so many friendships that I cherish and now consider
my dear friends.
 I have started cross stitching, which I enjoy if only I could see better, I did get me some over the counter reading glasses and a large magnifying glass. Which both help greatly. I am wondering if it is worth the investment to buy an Ott lamp? Does anyone use an Ott lamp?
 I have met a wonderful girl through blogging Tanya "Friendship Crossings"
she always goes out of her way to help me with any questions I have about cross stitching,
quilting, books she has read, just anything. If you don't know Tanya you need to stop by her blog
and say hello.
Well today she sent me some aida cloth and fiddlers cloth for my cross stitching projects.
Thank you so much Tanya, I will be able to make many pinkeeps with this wonderful cloth.
Now for a photo of my wonderful cloth.

As many of you know Jean "Prim Crafts"  and I met through blogging.
We only live about 8 miles from each other and never knew each other before meeting through
our blogs. I love Jean dearly, she is like family to me. She has also been such a wonderful
friend and has helped me so much with crafting and has given me so many pointers and hints.
If you don't know Jean is now designing patterns and selling them on etsy.
Please stop by her blog and there is a link that will take you to her etsy shop.
I asked her to design something prairie and she designed a prairie doll pattern, which I will
have to get, and I love that garden angel she has designed also, well heck I love all the patterns she
has in her etsy shop. She is loaded with awesome talent. I am blessed to have Jean as a friend also.

I just finished another cross stitch pin keep, even with working I am able to cross stitch a little in the
evenings when I set down to unwind a little. I love how this pinkeep turned out.
I will share it with you. I know it isn't perfect, but I am learning.

Friday, January 3, 2014

New Pin Keep and a few Christmas photo's

I didn't have to work today due to the weather, so I decided to try making a pin keep.
The pattern is by Country Rustic Primitives. I used 14 count aida cloth, but think I will try the 18 count the
next time. I don't know if I will ever be able to stitch on linen or osanburg. For now I will stick to aida cloth.
I know my pinkeep isn't perfect, but I am quite proud of how my first one turned out. Thought I would
share some photo's. With all that has been going on I have kinda lost my desire for crafting, so
I am happy that I was motivated to try making a pinkeep.

With my brothers passing my Christmas just wasn't the same, but as I looked in my grandchildrens
eyes and saw the sparkle and their little smiles it gave me joy. I enjoyed seeing them have so much fun.