Tuesday, January 21, 2014

New Sampler

 It has been snowing here all day so I didn't have to work at school. I worked some on getting my tax
papers ready to take to an accountant, such a dreaded job. ( I let everything in a folder and just do it once a year, making it a big job.)
I did want to show you my latest cross stitch project. I am really having fun cross stitching.
I have a ugly thermostat on my dining room wall that is an eye sore to me, I had a brain storm and
covered it up with a beautiful enamel pan, more country looking I think. Who would know a thermostat is underneath hiding.


  1. Oh Lecia, you are too funny!! I LOVE your idea for hiding the thermostat!!
    We got several inches of snow today ~ what fun!

    prim hugs,

  2. BEAUTIFUL STITCHING...Love the idea of using the pan...of course you know how I love my red and white nameplate...sorry it's snowing but glad you got some much needed "you" time...Hugs lil raggedy Angie

  3. Great idea to hide a thermostat! Stay warm, Janice..ps love your new Spring Stitchery too.

  4. Wow, it's pretty and tiny stitches. I haven't tried this yet, but would like to.
    That is a clever idea for your thermostat :)
    I hope you're doing well.

  5. You are doing great with the x stitching Lecia!
    And what a genius idea to cover the thermostat!
    But my, it looks sooooo cold out!
    Stay warm

  6. Love your stitching Lecia! What an awesome idea to cover your thermostat! My hubby would take it off the wall and tell me no...LOL. Stay warm ~*~Lisa


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