Saturday, January 18, 2014

Prayer request!

Hey blogger friends, hope everyone is staying warm and cozy this Winter. I am waiting patiently for Spring.
I love the different seasons, but am pretty much done with Winter after Christmas.
First I do want to let you know that I have 3 Dark Blue Bonnets left, they are $22.99 plus shipping,
inspired by a Drakestone Primitive pattern. Email me at   if interested.

As most of you know I have a double career. I have been a hairstylist for many years and have a hair salon
in my basement. It is the American dream to be able to have your own business. But not perfect,
no benefits, no retirement, no guaranteed income, but it is something about being your own boss.
And when my daughter and my mom were ill I could change my appointments around to suit my schedule.
  And you know that in 2005 I graduated from nursing school and received my LPN degree, my nursing job
is substitute nurse for our county schools. I have really fallen in love with this one little country school and have always thought if a full time position came available that that would be my school.
  Well I had no idea that it would happen so quick, I have been offered the full time position but just don't
think I am going to take it. I have prayed and prayed and prayed and honestly in my heart, I don't know
what to do, I feel like whatever decision I make will be the wrong one, I just feel no peace.
I love those little children and when they see me out somewhere they come running and talk to me, and
they just melt my heart.I want to take them all home.
 Working full time though would most likely put an end to my hair business, physically I just don't think I could do both. And it would pretty much put a damper on my crafting that I love to do.
And I would probably take the job if the pay were more, the pay is horrible for a nurse, and with the responsibility of the children it is a disgrace to even consider paying a nurse such a salary, I would probably make more working at McDonalds, not that it is anything wrong with that, I just spent two years of my life
studying to become a nurse and deserve nurses pay. I can't believe that our school systems don't have
anymore respect for a person that really has their childs well being and care in their hands.
But on the other hand I would do it in a heart beat if I knew that the Lord wanted me to, no matter what the pay.
I am just so confused, say a little prayer for me that I will make the right decision and be at peace about it,
Lord just talk to me and I will listen!!!!!!!!


  1. A plus side would be you would have weekends, holidays and summer off to spend with your family. Weigh the pros and cons and pray God will put the right path in front of you. Hugs! Amy

  2. Will pray for you Lecia.........I'm sure this is a very difficult decision. Honorable that you were offered the position but with all you pointed out I'm not so sure I could take it either. You have to follow your heart and God will guide you.
    Hugs and blessings my friend.

  3. O my sweet friend...I'm sorry you are so conflicted but know that God will guide you to what is right...and I will keep you in my prayers...and I have always found it very upsetting that the people who have so much impact on the lives of our children get compensated so poorly...Hugs lil raggedy

  4. Praying you'll find peace in your decision Lecia. God knows your heart and will understand either way. hugs~Jean

  5. Hi Lucia, follow your heart my friend, pray you find the right decision, Hugs Francine.

  6. I think everyone working in our schools is underpaid and underappreciated! We don't have school nurses here. Change is always difficult, even good change. A full time position is usually something to jump at but if it doesn't pay and you have to give up or cut down other things you love it might not be jump worthy. Will be praying friend ~*~Lisa

  7. Keeping you in my thoughts that the best answer comes to you. That is a difficult decision to make...really sit down and think about what a day in each scenario would be like from morning to evening....I hope the answer comes to light....Jan

  8. Oh my dear Lecia...I am not sure what advice to offer. I will certainly pray for you to find peace in whatever decision you eventually make. The most I can offer is to sit down and make a list of each job and the advantages/disadvantages of both..and be realistic about the OTHER things you enjoy that you may no longer be able to do....they are all things that make YOU who you are.
    I'll be thinking of you and praying for ya dear.

  9. Hi sweet Lecia, Well know that I am keeping you in my prayers that God will make His will for you in this situation perfectly clear. School schedules are nice, especially with the summer months off and vacation days. Too bad it doesn't pay better. Like I said I am praying!
    Be blessed,

  10. Oh boy that's a tuff one. We'll keep you in our prayers.

  11. Follow your heart Lecia, if it feels wrong and if you are having second thoughts then it is probably not the right decision for you at this time in your life. Sending positive thoughts and uplifting energy that you make a decision that will bring you peace my friend, Deb

  12. I will pray although I tend to feel your first reaction ... not thinking you will take it ... is probably your answer. Go with your heart.

  13. The schools around here just have part time nurses that they share with other schools. Decisions are always hard. Maybe try writing down the pros and cons and see which column outweighs the other. I will keep you in my prayers. ~ Mindy

  14. Follow your heart Lecia ~ it will lead you in the right direction.
    Prayers and thoughts going out to you that you will make a decision that makes you Happy.

  15. I will certainly add you to my prayers Lecia! I just now saw this post and I know you're conflicted right now, but the pay would be play a major part I should think!!
    I know that God will show you which way to go ~ our Pastor always says that you shouldn't have to kick the door down to get something if it's God's will, usually everything just falls into place. Praying His peace over your situation!

    Warm hugs,

  16. Praying for peace and the perfect answer.

  17. I'll certainly pray Lecia that you'll know the Lord's will in this and His peace in your heart.
    God bless


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