Sunday, January 26, 2014

Two New Bonnets for sale

Burr is it ever cold, I think most of us are living in a deep freeze, whatever happened to the global warming?
I would like some of that right now. My Bo doggie is so spoiled, boy when he goes out to potty, it is a quick trip and back into the house. I feel so sorry for all the animals exposed to this cold. I don't know how the cows survive out in the fields. It just breaks my heart to think of poor dogs being chained up to a barrel or dog house with no warm bedding.
 I did want to show the most recent bonnets that I have made, every time I make new ones, I always think,
now this is the prettiest ones yet. I do really love both of these patterns.
The bonnets are approx. 26" long and are $22.99 each and shipping. Email me with any questions or
to purchase  The bonnets are inspired by a "Drakestone Primitive".

Dark Brown 2 available

Another picture of the Dark Brown
One black one available


  1. Beautiful Lecia.
    I sure love mine.
    Woolie Hugs

  2. Morning Lucia, so beautiful your bonnets are......I too feel for the animals outside in the cold, breaks my heart.....Blessings Francine.

  3. Beautiful bonnets! Is that a Sheila lighted box arrangement I spy in the top pic? Love her goodies!...Jan

  4. Me and hubby were just talking about where is that global warming. Your bonnets are wonderful! Janice

  5. I like your bonnets too. Wouldn't mind a pic of you wearing one.

  6. See there really is no global warming! Just more stuff they come up with to scare us! freezing cold here!!! it's winter!!! Love the bonnets!! Stay warm my friend!!! OLM


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