Sunday, February 2, 2014

Happy Birthday "LIttle Groundhog"

Boy doesn't time fly. Nine years ago my little granddaughter was born, I was in nursing school and had to miss that day for her birth. My instructor told me I couldn't miss that they could page me in the hospital when she was about to be born. I said, "but you don't understand." my daughter is high risk and a diabetic and I need to be there." Being the hard core instructor that she was, she still said no. I just said, "I am sorry, but I am missing, my family is more important than having an unexcused absence from school."   And it was so funny being the student that I was, I was going behind all the nurses rechecking everything, counting the drips of the IV's and everything, it was the mom coming out of me. He He Then at approx. 5:30 that eve. my daughter
had the most beautiful baby girl. Babies born from diabetic moms are called tomatoe faces, they do have a really round red face, which goes away in a few days. They also can be born with low blood sugars and jaundice, which goes away also. She is a miracle girl as well as her brother, both were thought to have kidney problems before birth, but they are both healthy. I am so thankful for that.
  Well where has these nine years gone. My daughter always has to have these elaborate parties for her
children and puts her whole heart into them. So yesterday while Riley's parents were getting ready for the
fashion show party with nine little girls spending the night. I was having a fun day with my granddaughter.
My greatest calling is being a grandma. I love my three grand children so much, and they are each special and unique.So a few picture from our fun day.

Miss Riley, with her new streaks in her hair
Her stitchery pattern that she drew

Duct tape magic wallet that we made

So excited with the new streaks in her hair

Isn't she beautiful, of course Grandma thinks so!
At gymnastics practice


  1. Happy Birthday to your beautiful Granddaughter, Blessings Francine.

    Your adorable

  3. Happy birthday Riley! You are adorable and cute and probably like my grandchildren spoiled by your gramma! Janice

  4. AWWWW Lecia, what a cutie pie you have there! She is very pretty and lucky to have YOU as her grandma!! I'm sure she felt very special getting to have fun w/you all day!
    I love your little story about the day she was born, I don't blame you one bit about missing class! good for you!
    Warm hugs,

  5. Happy belated birthday to Riley, what a beauty! Deb


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