Sunday, February 9, 2014

Book Review

I recently became a book reviewer for "Bethany House", I am sent certain books to review and all
I am required to do is give an honest review on the book. Most of the books I have read have been
amish fiction or prairie stories. Last month I decided to choose a book about a journey walking with God.
It is by "Dutch Sheets" and is called, "The Pleasure Of His Company".
  It has 30 short chapters. which I like since I am so busy. The book made me look at God in a whole new
perspective. He wants to have an intimate friendship with us, just like we have with our personal friends.
 God has a sense of humor, and he cares about every aspect in our life. Wow, does that ever make me
feel important and loved.
 Dutch Sheets also shares many of his life stories in the book and how God helped him in many ways.
 I highly recommend this book and know that you will look at God in a whole different way after reading this book. You will come to realize how to have an intimate friendship with God in your journey in life.
It sure made me take a look at God differently.


  1. Thanks for the review my friend I'm always looking for something new to read...have a great evening hugs lil raggedy Angie

  2. Thank you for this book review. I love Amish novels, and will have to add this one to my reading list :)

  3. Thank you. This book sounds like something I might like to read..


  4. This sounds kike a great read. I am going to see if I can order it on my kindle, I HOPE!
    Thanks for sharing this. I love to read when I have the CHANCE.
    Warm Hugs,
    Tricia XO

  5. Its always nice to know what other people think of a book. Thanks for the review.
    Prim Blessings

  6. That's the way I need my reading, short and easy to understand. We should all have God as a good friend :)

  7. Good evening!
    You are really enjoying the book reviews aren't you...glad you got into it!!!
    Happy Valentine's Day

  8. Never saw that one Felicia, it sounds really good!



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