Friday, January 10, 2014

Wonderful surprise in the mail, a new pattern designer and new pin keep.

Blogging has been a wonderful experience for me. I have met so many wonderful people that I would
never have met if it weren't for my blog. I have made so many friendships that I cherish and now consider
my dear friends.
 I have started cross stitching, which I enjoy if only I could see better, I did get me some over the counter reading glasses and a large magnifying glass. Which both help greatly. I am wondering if it is worth the investment to buy an Ott lamp? Does anyone use an Ott lamp?
 I have met a wonderful girl through blogging Tanya "Friendship Crossings"
she always goes out of her way to help me with any questions I have about cross stitching,
quilting, books she has read, just anything. If you don't know Tanya you need to stop by her blog
and say hello.
Well today she sent me some aida cloth and fiddlers cloth for my cross stitching projects.
Thank you so much Tanya, I will be able to make many pinkeeps with this wonderful cloth.
Now for a photo of my wonderful cloth.

As many of you know Jean "Prim Crafts"  and I met through blogging.
We only live about 8 miles from each other and never knew each other before meeting through
our blogs. I love Jean dearly, she is like family to me. She has also been such a wonderful
friend and has helped me so much with crafting and has given me so many pointers and hints.
If you don't know Jean is now designing patterns and selling them on etsy.
Please stop by her blog and there is a link that will take you to her etsy shop.
I asked her to design something prairie and she designed a prairie doll pattern, which I will
have to get, and I love that garden angel she has designed also, well heck I love all the patterns she
has in her etsy shop. She is loaded with awesome talent. I am blessed to have Jean as a friend also.

I just finished another cross stitch pin keep, even with working I am able to cross stitch a little in the
evenings when I set down to unwind a little. I love how this pinkeep turned out.
I will share it with you. I know it isn't perfect, but I am learning.


  1. Such a sweet gift from Tanya now you can try some differnt types out.I'm glad Jaen has finally started pursuing her dream.Your pinkeep looks wonderful to me.Just want to let you know you have been in my thoughts and prayers with your brother and daughter.Big Hugs Friend!~Amy

  2. Lecia, The OTT lamp is worth every penny!! I have had one for several years and LOVE IT!!!!
    Such a sweet gift! Blogging friends are the best!!! OLM

  3. Lecia, you are too humble, your stitching is wonderful! I just bought some cloth last weekend to try a Valentine pinkeep or tuck...been so long. I use a sm ott lite when sewing. Joann's has sales on them. I have Jean's Angel w/a heart cut out & ready to stitch - can't wait! ~*~Lisa

  4. Lovely winter pinkeep Lecia, love that design! And I do have an Ott light and it helps so much on these dark winter days. I got mine at Michael's with a 40% off coupon and it wasn't too expensive. I just got the smaller desk top one so I can move it easily from place to place, depending upon where I sit to stitch :O) Love Jean's new patterns, she's a very talented gal and what a lovely gift from Tanya, blogging buddies are the best! Deb

  5. Lecia you're too modest! your stitching is prim perfect! I know you're going to enjoy sewing up lots of pretty pinkeeps etc,
    Tanya is truly a sweet generous girl as she is so good to me too!
    And Jeans talent is awesome!
    Have a great weekend!

  6. I use a dazor lamp with magnifier. It would be hard to stitch without it. I use 36 and 40 count linen. It wouldn't be pretty otherwise ! As I get older I find good light so important. Thanks for sharing on your blog.

  7. Thanks for your very kind words Lecia! I think your pinkeep looks like a pro stitched it ~ what a cute design you chose.
    I will have to hop on Jean's blog and check out her etsy shop too!
    I've had an Ott lite for many yrs. Mine is the floor stand type and I use it next to my stitching chair ~ I think good lighting is of utmost importance when stitching.

    Prim hugs,

  8. Hi sweetie- I used to cross-stitch all the time, but now, with these ole eyes, not sure I could see the fine weave on the cloth...even with my 'grannies'. I see such wonderful creations for others, like Theresa and you, and am tempted to try it again...maybe I will!

  9. Lovely winter stitchery........yes Tanya is a wonderful friend as are so many of the rest of you. Everyone has such a huge heart and special talents they are so willing to share.

  10. I'll have to check out that lamp ~ it would be a bummer if I couldn't stitch ~ it's one of favorite things to do.
    Lovely piece Lecia!
    Happy Stitchin'
    Prim Blessings


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