Friday, January 3, 2014

New Pin Keep and a few Christmas photo's

I didn't have to work today due to the weather, so I decided to try making a pin keep.
The pattern is by Country Rustic Primitives. I used 14 count aida cloth, but think I will try the 18 count the
next time. I don't know if I will ever be able to stitch on linen or osanburg. For now I will stick to aida cloth.
I know my pinkeep isn't perfect, but I am quite proud of how my first one turned out. Thought I would
share some photo's. With all that has been going on I have kinda lost my desire for crafting, so
I am happy that I was motivated to try making a pinkeep.

With my brothers passing my Christmas just wasn't the same, but as I looked in my grandchildrens
eyes and saw the sparkle and their little smiles it gave me joy. I enjoyed seeing them have so much fun.


  1. I think you did an awesome job on your pinkeep. Looks great! Janice

  2. Oh I love your pin keep, beautiful....Lovely family pictures, Thanks for sharing, Hugs Francine.

  3. Hello sweet friend! The pinkeep is darling! I tried doing one on linen and just couldn't get my eyes to focus well enough...I am sure that has NOTHING to do with me being over 50 right? LOL
    I am glad you found some Christmas joy with your grands, they are so cute!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Be blessed,

  4. I love your pinkeep, It turned out great! Remember, we like our prims not perfect. :)
    So happy to hear the kids gave you some joy this Christmas. ((hugs))

  5. The pinkeep looks great! I stitched it last year on the recommended osnaburg. Don't be afraid of osnaburg ... it's really a joy to stitch on : )

  6. Your pinkeeps looks just prim perfect, Lecia.
    Glad your family still managed to enjoy christmas with all those darling children.
    God bless

  7. Great job on your pinkeep! Looks like you had a memorable Christmas!

  8. Your pinkeep is fabulous!! You'd never know it was your first try!
    I'm sorry about the passing of your brother. I lost one of my brothers in April... and it was like losing an arm or a leg... siblings are just a part of you. His b'day was on Christmas, so it was a bittersweet holiday here, as well. Your grandchildren are so beautiful.... I can see how they would light up your life in spite of the sadness! Our first grandchild was born in Aug., and it did wonders for my soul! He is just so amazing!
    Wishing you a very happy new year!

  9. You did a wonderful job Lecia. I love that you are not scared to try something new. Seeing Christmas through children eyes is what it's all about. I'm glad you were able to feel the joy.
    Keep stitching~

  10. Great job in the pin keep. I'm sorry to hear about your brother. I hope you can feel a little comfort knowing that he was looking down on you and happy that you make a big difference in the joy you bring to your beautiful grandchildren.

    Many blessings to you and your family.


  11. I'm so sorry to hear about your brother! It makes the holidays very hard to bear, but looks like your family had a wonderful time! Lots of children to squeeze on!!

    Love your pinkeep Lecia, it looks prim perfect to me!! Let me know if you need anymore 14 ct. I still have plenty in different colors and probably some in 18ct. as well.


  12. I think your pin keep looks great. Your brother was there with you too :) You have a beautiful family. Especially that new babe.

  13. A bittersweet Christmas to be sure this year Lecia but the love and light of Christmas always shines bright in the eyes of children. Hugs to you my friend and I love your pinkeep, it is wonderful! Deb

  14. Wonderful family photos. The pin keep does look wonderful. Prim blessings :)

  15. Hi Lecia,
    So sorry I'm so behind in blogging. So sorry to hear about your brothers passing ~ I wish you much peace.
    Lovely pinkeep ~ you did a wonderful job on your first one. I bought that pattern too ~ but haven't stitched it up yet.
    Holy Cow you had a house full ~ what joy!
    Prim Blessings


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