Thursday, August 28, 2014

Old School House Reunion

One thing I love about summer is reunions, I love visiting with people and going around a big
table of food and trying all the different dishes. A few weeks ago I was able to attend my fathers school reunion. It is a little two room school. It is now a museum and is open a few times a year for
people to go into and look around. It reminds me of Little House on the Prairie.I feel like I am going
back in time whenever I walk into the old school house. I think about all the little children that got their education in this little school My father was five years old when he started school there.
The reunion is every two years. I will share some photo's of our day of fun there. I especially love
the little cubby where the childrens water glasses were kept, old snuff glasses, two still remain with names on them.

Love the old floor, the desks and blackboard.

Some of the school books.

Old water pitcher and cubby that held the childrens water glasses.

School items, look on the bottom shelf at the huge paddle,

Love the black board.

Love this old desk, bench and books

School bell and old book

Old lunch pails, and metal sirup bucket and book shelf

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Captured By Love--- Book Review

I am a book reviewer for "Bethany House", I am given the book for free, in exchange for an honest
review. I am a little behind. I just finished July's book review. The book I read was
"Captured By Love" , by Jody Hedlund.

"The British Army has taken control of Michillmackinac Island forcing the Americans who live
there to swear an oath of loyalty if they choose to remain there.
Pierre Durant, a fur trader, has been away from the island for years. He comes home to find his mother frail and almost blind and  that his brother Jean is away at war with the Americans.
 His childhood friend Angelique Mackenzie has grown into a beautiful young woman.
Pierre and Angelique fall in love, even though Angelique has given her word to Jean that
she will be married to him when he gets home from the army.
  What will Pierre and Angelique decide to do. Where does their loyalties lie? How much will they risk for love? You will have to read the book to find out."

 I am not sure if it was just me or not, but this was just a book that I had a hard time getting into,
it just seemed to be the same thing over and over and could not hold my interest. I will have to say
though, that the last couple chapters of the book were the best.
On a scale of 10, I would give it a 6. It was just not one of my favorite books.
But you may read it and love it.I did enjoy the history and it made me think of the hardships
that people during that time had to endure just to survive.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Summertime Fun!

School will be starting in our area next week, so I will be on call with my nursing job.
I have totally enjoyed this Summer so much. I was able to take each of my grandchildren for a day of fun. We went out to eat at the restaurant of their choice, went to a movie and shopping for a toy and outfit.       
Me and My Granddaughter Riley

Me and my Grandson Cole

Me and my Grandson Jake

We also celebrated Jakes Birthday this weekend, my son rented our local parks swimming pool, so everyone had so much fun. Happy 5th. Birthday Jake!!!! You are growing so fast.
Spider man arriving at his party.

Yummy Birthday cake

Opening gifts

Steph, Riley and Mat

Pappy and Maw with the Birthday boy!

Luke and Jake

Rhonda, Luke and Jake

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

God answers prayers!

You know I have posted many times about my daugther and her battle with an eating disorder,
this had been a part of her life for at least 9 years. As a mother it broke my heart to see her struggle,
I shed so many tears and prayed until I felt I couldn't pray anymore , but I continued to pray and trust the Lord to take care of her.
I want to tell everyone don't give up if you are going through a battle, just keep praying and trusting in the Lord.
Well my daughter has been trying so hard, she finally a few months ago was able to get health insurance and now has an insulin pump. Which is another answer to prayer.  She also is a part of a support group on facebook.
And she has a blog talking about her journey on her road to recovery.
I want to share her entry that she wrote today.
Stephanies Journey to recovery

Thank you everyone from the bottom of my heart for your prayers for my daughter.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

New creations.

Only two weeks until school starts so then my few days of me time will come to an end.
I have totally cleaned my entire house which I haven't done this for years, got rid of so much junk
that accumulates over time. I have done some fun things with my grandchildren and decided to make myself some fall creations. Usually I never make myself something, only things to sell.

I finished a fall cross stitch called "Black Jack" a country rustic pattern and also a pumpkin riding a crow.I used a pattern by, Brenda Garvaris. I tweaked the pattern a little and added arms and legs to the pumpkin man and decided to attach the crow to a rusty bed spring. Summer is going fast all the fairs are happening now, after that seems
like fall is here. Hope you are enjoying your Summer as much as I am.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Giveaway Winner

Brenda of "The Rusty Thimble" hosts monthly giveaways. Last month she gave away several
pumpkins and I was the lucky winner of one of her pumpkins. He is quite an adorable fellow.
Brenda is one talented lady and is so generous in her giveaways.
Stop over at her blog and check out her creations, you are in for a treat.
Thank you Brenda for hosting such a wonderful giveaway. I love my pumpkin guy.