Tuesday, August 5, 2014

God answers prayers!

You know I have posted many times about my daugther and her battle with an eating disorder,
this had been a part of her life for at least 9 years. As a mother it broke my heart to see her struggle,
I shed so many tears and prayed until I felt I couldn't pray anymore , but I continued to pray and trust the Lord to take care of her.
I want to tell everyone don't give up if you are going through a battle, just keep praying and trusting in the Lord.
Well my daughter has been trying so hard, she finally a few months ago was able to get health insurance and now has an insulin pump. Which is another answer to prayer.  She also is a part of a support group on facebook.
And she has a blog talking about her journey on her road to recovery.
I want to share her entry that she wrote today.
Stephanies Journey to recovery

Thank you everyone from the bottom of my heart for your prayers for my daughter.


  1. God is good this we know. Praying that Stephanie's journey to better health continues and that her sharing her battles also helps others. I have a dear friend who is diabetic and has been through so much the past 15 years with these issues. She has had several different pumps for one reason or another but still going strong. Key is finding the right doctor for your situation.
    Bless you and yours~

  2. Please tell Stephanie not to give up. It took me a year to get my A1C down to 8.5. Its been hard not eating what I use to...but I want to be here for my grands...just take baby steps..make a goal and then make another one when you hit it. Janice

  3. We are still praying for your beautiful daughter Lecia! Hugs

  4. Bless her heart and she is feeling better!!!

  5. GOD IS GOOD!! Sending you a hug from one mother to another!! It's such a helpless feeling when one of our babies(young or older) are hurting their own selves. I pray everyday for my daughter! It's that letting go and letting God that is the hardest!! THANKS for sharing!! XOXO Love Fran.

  6. How wonderful Lecia! Her blog will certainly be an inspiration to others.

  7. I second. GOD is GOOD!
    Thank you for sharing.
    God does answer our prayers.
    Giant hugs to you sweet friend. :)

  8. Sending her healing energy and positive thoughts Lecia that she continues on her road to recovery. Big hugs to you too my friend xoxo

  9. I am so thrilled for you! I know first hand how destructive eating disorders are. and how helpless we are as some struggles... HUGS!!!! OLM


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