Sunday, August 10, 2014

Summertime Fun!

School will be starting in our area next week, so I will be on call with my nursing job.
I have totally enjoyed this Summer so much. I was able to take each of my grandchildren for a day of fun. We went out to eat at the restaurant of their choice, went to a movie and shopping for a toy and outfit.       
Me and My Granddaughter Riley

Me and my Grandson Cole

Me and my Grandson Jake

We also celebrated Jakes Birthday this weekend, my son rented our local parks swimming pool, so everyone had so much fun. Happy 5th. Birthday Jake!!!! You are growing so fast.
Spider man arriving at his party.

Yummy Birthday cake

Opening gifts

Steph, Riley and Mat

Pappy and Maw with the Birthday boy!

Luke and Jake

Rhonda, Luke and Jake


  1. So important to make great memories while they are little! You are a great Grand-maw Lecia! (too soon for school! LOL) ~*~Lisa

  2. Wonderful pictures Lecia, looks like you had a wonderful summer spending special days with the grands. Happy belated birthday to Spider Man, er, I mean Jake!

  3. Oh what fun - A summer full of wonderful memories. You are indeed blessed Lecia. HUGS

  4. Hard to believe that summer is about over already. School is starting around here next Monday but our grandsons start on Sept. 2nd. The kiddo's grow right before our eyes!
    Sounds like you have some wonderful memories with the grandkids.

  5. Your grandkids are cutie patooties! What sweet pics and what a clever idea of taking them out one-on-one for special time w/their grandma!

    That pool sure looks refreshing!

    Our schools start here on Wed - the 13th!!! ugh!


  6. Grandma time is the best! Making the best memories!!! Hugs my friend! OLM

  7. So much fun to spend time with the grandchildren. Mine will be spending time with me on labor Day weekend. Janice


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