Sunday, August 17, 2014

Captured By Love--- Book Review

I am a book reviewer for "Bethany House", I am given the book for free, in exchange for an honest
review. I am a little behind. I just finished July's book review. The book I read was
"Captured By Love" , by Jody Hedlund.

"The British Army has taken control of Michillmackinac Island forcing the Americans who live
there to swear an oath of loyalty if they choose to remain there.
Pierre Durant, a fur trader, has been away from the island for years. He comes home to find his mother frail and almost blind and  that his brother Jean is away at war with the Americans.
 His childhood friend Angelique Mackenzie has grown into a beautiful young woman.
Pierre and Angelique fall in love, even though Angelique has given her word to Jean that
she will be married to him when he gets home from the army.
  What will Pierre and Angelique decide to do. Where does their loyalties lie? How much will they risk for love? You will have to read the book to find out."

 I am not sure if it was just me or not, but this was just a book that I had a hard time getting into,
it just seemed to be the same thing over and over and could not hold my interest. I will have to say
though, that the last couple chapters of the book were the best.
On a scale of 10, I would give it a 6. It was just not one of my favorite books.
But you may read it and love it.I did enjoy the history and it made me think of the hardships
that people during that time had to endure just to survive.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean Lecia ~ sometimes they sound so wonderful when you read the excerpts, but in reality, they just don't always measure up.

    Wait to you see which one I'm reviewing in the near future! LOL



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