Sunday, August 3, 2014

New creations.

Only two weeks until school starts so then my few days of me time will come to an end.
I have totally cleaned my entire house which I haven't done this for years, got rid of so much junk
that accumulates over time. I have done some fun things with my grandchildren and decided to make myself some fall creations. Usually I never make myself something, only things to sell.

I finished a fall cross stitch called "Black Jack" a country rustic pattern and also a pumpkin riding a crow.I used a pattern by, Brenda Garvaris. I tweaked the pattern a little and added arms and legs to the pumpkin man and decided to attach the crow to a rusty bed spring. Summer is going fast all the fairs are happening now, after that seems
like fall is here. Hope you are enjoying your Summer as much as I am.


  1. They are both wonderful Lecia!!

  2. Feels good to weed through things once in awhile. I did a little of that myself. I need to do tons more! Cute cross stitch!

  3. Beautiful stitchery Lecia......I'm happy that you've been enjoying your summer and doing things you enjoy. Summer does seem to be going by quickly now that it finally arrived.
    Blessings to you my friend.

  4. I like your pumpkin picture.

  5. Wonderful Lecia, I love both of them! And isn't it true that we never seem to have any of our own work in our homes?! These two are definitely keepers :O)


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