Sunday, October 30, 2011

Working on Winter items and Christmas gifts!

I have decided to make some of my Christmas gifts this year. I have made 12 of these snowmen hats.

I am quite pleased with how they have turned out. But wow what a process. I bought tea lights and grunged

them myself. I know my mom and sisters will love these. I also have a friend who collects Santa's.

  I just haven't been spending much time on the computer lately. A lady is letting me put some of my things in

her shop and is having open house Nov. 10th. so I am busy making some snowmen and santa's for that.

It is so hard to find time to craft when you work alot, so I am using every spare minute that I have for

crafting. Here are some photo's of my hats, The pattern is a Country Whims pattern.

The finished product!

My grubbied tea lights.

My hats in progress.

Snowman hat!

Santa hat!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Quick trip to Lancaster, Pa.

  Thursday and Friday my two sisters and my BF Shelia and I made a quick trip to Pa.

 We always seem to get

into some adventure on our trip. Well this year was no exception. We were riding down one of the roads

and saw a billboard sign to a play musical, called the "Confession". Based on a book by  Beverly Lewis.

Her books are about the Amish and are just wonderful!

 We all just started whinning about how if  we would have known beforehand about this play we would have

got tickets to attend. We went past this place called "Bird and Hand family restaurant", and on their

billboard was their sign advertising the musical being played there. My friend Shelia drove in the

parking lot and had to go in to get some information for maybe our next trip. Of course the tickets

were all sold out, but the lady at the ticket desk said " sorry ladies, all the tickets are sold out but

Beverly Lewis is here and if you wait around you may be able to see her. Well to our amazement,

we did get to see her and she was so sweet! We took some pictures with her and got her autograph.

 Another awesome memory. We just happened to be in the right place at the right time. He He

If you haven't read any of Beverly Lewis books I highly recommend them, I have read several.

And there is even a movie on the Hallmark Channel, "The Shunning", which is based on one of her books.

Me, my sister Lina, Beverly Lewis, and my sister Lena. (Can you tell that Lina and Lena are twins).

My BF Shelia and Beverly Lewis

A few books from my collection.

Autographed bookmark

Some of my goodies, a new calender, a Billy Jacob print, some new curtains and a new paper towel holder.

Lena and Lina

Shelia and I .

Amish buggy, there was a huge line of buggies. Sorry I didn't get many Amish photo's.
We had such a wonderful time, I missed my other sister Annabel, not being with us.
We shopped alot ate alot and sure did laugh alot. Wonderful memories!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Surprise Package

I received the most wonderful package in the mail today. It was from sweet Angie, "Lil Raggedy Angie"

she sent me the most awesome goodies. Some beautiful prim fabric, a cute raggedy ornie and some

cute pencils, my grandbabies will take them. Thank you Angie, your thoughtfulness has touched my

heart and I love everything so much. I love your sweet friendship the most, you are a wonderful prim

firend with a heart of gold!!!!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

New Stocking

I have just been sooooo busy working two jobs, plus grandbabies. I stop by your blogs and enjoy reading

them, but sometimes don't even have the time to leave a post. I am going to show a Christmas stocking that I

managed to make.  Until next time, enjoy this beautiful fall season, Lecia

Sunday, October 9, 2011

My Class Reunion

Sat. evening was my 35th. high school class reunion. Wow, where have the years gone.

Just seems like yesterday we were teenagers. Now we have grey hair, and many of us grandparents.

 You know I am a country girl from WV, I went to the same school (which no longer exits) for 12 years.

There were 28 kids in my graduating class. We had a wonderful meal with lots of laughs and reminising.

And my son and Kelly May Brown provided the music. What an awesome night to remember.

I will share a few photo's. Only about half of the students attended along with a few teachers.

the Mathias High School class of 1976.

I am in the front row, 2nd. from the right.

My husband Ronnie and me.

My son Luke, and Kelly May Brown,
they did an awesome job. Kelly has the most wonderful voice and Luke is one awesome guitarist.
I was very proud!

Friday, October 7, 2011

New Bonnets and surprise gift from a special friend!

I was able to go to a hobby lobby and buy some of the most beautiful fabric from their 1900 Quilt Series collection, I think that was the correct year.

It is the most beautiful fabric and really has that old time worn look. It actually has areas that look stained,
like it is fabric of old.

Since this fabric was sooo expensive. I was only able to make 4 of these bonnets. I am charging $21.99 plus shipping for each bonnet.

Please go to my selling blog to purchase if interested.

And then I received the most beautiful pillow from Linda of Parker's Paradise, Linda does such nice
needlework. I love it Linda, thank you soooo much!

Pillow from Linda

Thursday, October 6, 2011

What a wonderful friend

I just love my blogging friends. And you have to watch what you say when blogging. I asked my good friend

Pam, Baskets n prims  what kind of wool I should get to use for dolls hair and Santa's beards.

 Well what did she go and do but send me a big bag of wool, and I do know that wool is expensive.

And not only that she added two of her wonderful beeswax hanging ornies, they are awesome!!!

 Thank you so much Pam, you have a heart of gold and you are a wonderful prim friend. Check out

Pam's blog she is one wonderful basket maker, she also makes such beautiful pin keeps and dolls.

Monday, October 3, 2011

We have a Winner!!!!

I want to thank all of you lovely ladies, my awesome prim friends for entering my 250 followers giveaway!
I had a total of 51 entries.

I put all of the names in one of my old farm bowls that I love. And I just said alright Lord, let me pick the
right lady. Well you are not going to believe this story.
I stirred and stirred to make sure all the entries were distributed evenly.

Well I picked, " Rene", "Sew Many Raggedies",  then I walked over to the table and saw this one little folded up paper laying at the side of one of my books. I thought Oh no, how did that happen, I thought I had every little piece of paper in there. What am I going to do, well to be fair, I thought I am going to have to put that name in and draw again.
I opened the paper to look at the name and you will never guess what name it was, RENE  of Sew Many Raggedies again.

Well Congratulations Rene, you are meant to be the winner, that just confirmed it, He He
Please send me your address and I will get your flag and bonnet out to you. I hope you like your goodies!!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

My new shelf from Firecracker Kid

Carol "Firecracker Kid"  and I did a swap. I had a really hard time deciding what I wanted because,

Carol and her hubby make the most awesome woodcrafts and I just want everything.

 I especially love kitchen shelves, cabinets and kitchen decor, but I don't have any wall space left.

 I decided on a shelf with a peg rack. I was going to put it in my hair salon, but decided that it was so

 beautiful that I wanted it somewhere, where I could see it everyday and enjoy it.

   And she also sent the cutest wool pin keep, it is beautiful. Thank you Carol, I love everything,

you are awesome!!!!