Sunday, October 23, 2011

Quick trip to Lancaster, Pa.

  Thursday and Friday my two sisters and my BF Shelia and I made a quick trip to Pa.

 We always seem to get

into some adventure on our trip. Well this year was no exception. We were riding down one of the roads

and saw a billboard sign to a play musical, called the "Confession". Based on a book by  Beverly Lewis.

Her books are about the Amish and are just wonderful!

 We all just started whinning about how if  we would have known beforehand about this play we would have

got tickets to attend. We went past this place called "Bird and Hand family restaurant", and on their

billboard was their sign advertising the musical being played there. My friend Shelia drove in the

parking lot and had to go in to get some information for maybe our next trip. Of course the tickets

were all sold out, but the lady at the ticket desk said " sorry ladies, all the tickets are sold out but

Beverly Lewis is here and if you wait around you may be able to see her. Well to our amazement,

we did get to see her and she was so sweet! We took some pictures with her and got her autograph.

 Another awesome memory. We just happened to be in the right place at the right time. He He

If you haven't read any of Beverly Lewis books I highly recommend them, I have read several.

And there is even a movie on the Hallmark Channel, "The Shunning", which is based on one of her books.

Me, my sister Lina, Beverly Lewis, and my sister Lena. (Can you tell that Lina and Lena are twins).

My BF Shelia and Beverly Lewis

A few books from my collection.

Autographed bookmark

Some of my goodies, a new calender, a Billy Jacob print, some new curtains and a new paper towel holder.

Lena and Lina

Shelia and I .

Amish buggy, there was a huge line of buggies. Sorry I didn't get many Amish photo's.
We had such a wonderful time, I missed my other sister Annabel, not being with us.
We shopped alot ate alot and sure did laugh alot. Wonderful memories!


  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful time. I wish I had someone to go places with me. You are so lucky to have such a beautiful family. Blessings, Janice

  2. Lecia,

    How much fun was it to met her!!! And a fun girls trip to boot! Got to love the girls trips!!! OLM

  3. It sure looks like you had a great trip!

  4. Lecia ~ what a wonderful time you gals had & meeting Beverly, how cool! Good company, good shopping, good food ~ doesn't get any better!

  5. Sounds like a wonderful trip. Lucky you to meet Beverly Lewis. I work in a library and her books are so popular. Great goodies you got!

  6. Lecia, what a thrill for all of you to meet Ms. Lewis and have her autograph. It sounds like the trip was a wonderful success for you. You sound so happy, I'm happy for you.

  7. Looks like a wonderful trip! Best times are with the sisters...that's for sure!

  8. Sounds like a wonderful time! I'm sure you enjoyed getting out.


  9. Looks like so much fun! And excitement, getting to meet a famous author! I love our trips into Amish areas.
    I love your stocking a few posts back and I'm glad you went to your reunion.

  10. wow what a neat trip and you got to meet the author herself.:)

  11. What a fun outing - and meeting Beverly to boot...Woo Hoo!! But gotta say - Lena and Lina??? Wow...your mum sure had a way with names!! And, exactly, how does "Annabel" fit in with all those "L" names? ;o) Sorry - just struck me as funny....Love your new goodies...Oh - I need some new curtains bad - but I have so many different sized windows, it's impossible to buy them read made.....Have a wonderful week ahead my friend!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  12. oh that looked like so much fun thank you for sharing the pics Lecia <3 Hugs

  13. What beautiful names for beautiful sisters!
    Lena is my very favorite. That was my dear grnadmothers. Sounds like a wonderful new sister and friend memory!
    You are blessed.
    Hugs Trace

  14. GM~ Lecia,

    Looks like a great time! I want to be your adopted in PA and have never been to Lancaster.. (but, we have Amish country here too)


  15. Sounds like you had a great trip.Nice that you will met her. I loved Lancaster area, it is so beautiful.

  16. Glad you had a great time on your trip Lecia. How lucky it was that you got to meet Beverly Lewis. Have a great week!
    Autumn Blessing,

  17. How neat! I just finished reading Beverly's book, Mercy. I just love reading about the Amish and Beverly is one of my favorite authors!

  18. Oh gosh what a wonderful special time with your BF and Sisters
    Lecia you are so blessed to have your Sisters so close by where
    You all can gather together for a time of fellowship and enjoying each other, Plus
    meeting a famous Author.. How very Special!
    Such Awesome family you have.....
    So enjoyed you sharing the post...
    Hugs... Smiles :-)

  19. Looks like you gals had a lot of fun. How neat to get to meet the author of your favorite books.
    I love all the goodies you bought too.
    Country at heart

  20. Good morning sweetie, Looks like you gals had a wonderful time on your trip! How awesome is that, to be able to meet one of your fav. author's and get her autograph wooohoo for you! I have never read any of her books, but have seen all over blogland nothing but great reviews for her books! Hopefully one day I will find sometime to sit down and read some of her work.
    Your goodies from LIl'Raggedy Angie are awesome, she is such a sweetheart with a big heart! Your stocking came out wonderful and someone on your Christmas list is going to be one lucky person... doesn't get much better when something is made with "LOVE"!!!
    Enjoy your week.....sending lots of smiles and sunshine your way!
    Big hugs,

  21. I cherish all the fun times I get to spend with my two sisters. I am glad you had a great time full of adventure. It's always fun to meet someone "special". -Steph-

  22. Hi Lecia~

    Glad you had a great time!!


  23. Hi saw your post title and had to say we were there this past August at Amish View Inn and Suites!Loved it. Amish market down the street open on Friday and Saturday. Of course much smaller but what a great treat and place to buy candles, food and cabinets.


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