Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Surprise Package

I received the most wonderful package in the mail today. It was from sweet Angie, "Lil Raggedy Angie"

she sent me the most awesome goodies. Some beautiful prim fabric, a cute raggedy ornie and some

cute pencils, my grandbabies will take them. Thank you Angie, your thoughtfulness has touched my

heart and I love everything so much. I love your sweet friendship the most, you are a wonderful prim

firend with a heart of gold!!!!!


  1. Lecia SURPISE! :0) Glad they arrived ok and you didnt have to post em nothing special just some stuff I though you might be able to put to use !lol and yeah I forgot to tell you the pencils werent for you lol ! Have a great evening sweetie ! Im thinkin bout ya praying for ya big hugs lilraggedyangie

  2. How wonderful of your friend Angie. She sent a great box full of goodies. What a terrific friend you have there:0)


  3. That Angie she sure is a sweetie! Such wonderful goodies she sent ya!
    Prim Blessings

  4. That raggedy is one of a kind, huh?? Love her to pieces....Fun package...Gee, bet you'll find something to do with that fabric, now won't you? Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  5. How sweet Angie is!! Looks like some cute goodies. Hugs, Tina

  6. Thoughtfulness and Kindness of others is so touching, Brings smiles into your day...
    You are so blessed with awesome Prim Friends

    Warm Blessings / Smiles - Hugs
    Ladybug :-)

  7. Love your new layout!
    And love all your goodies. Angie is a sweetie!

  8. She's been dropping packages here and there with such wonderful goodies. Glad you found one on your porch. -Steph-


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