Thursday, October 6, 2011

What a wonderful friend

I just love my blogging friends. And you have to watch what you say when blogging. I asked my good friend

Pam, Baskets n prims  what kind of wool I should get to use for dolls hair and Santa's beards.

 Well what did she go and do but send me a big bag of wool, and I do know that wool is expensive.

And not only that she added two of her wonderful beeswax hanging ornies, they are awesome!!!

 Thank you so much Pam, you have a heart of gold and you are a wonderful prim friend. Check out

Pam's blog she is one wonderful basket maker, she also makes such beautiful pin keeps and dolls.


  1. Hi Lecia~

    Aren't bloggers the best!! So giving & generous!! What a wonderful gift you've received.

    Enjoy your day~Becky

  2. what a kind and generous friend - like you are Lecia. Can't wait to see what you make with your wool. Those beeswax ornies are sweet.

  3. Aww that was really sweet of Pam, blogging friends are best :0) I cant wait to see what you make of it all!Have a great day !hugs lilraggedyangie

  4. How kind and thoughtful of Pam! She is as talented as she is generous!Love the beeswax hangers.I can't wait to see what you do with the wool.Have a great day! Jen

  5. How very sweet! You have a big heart as well! I am sure you will make some wonderful creations!
    Have a good day!

  6. Pam is a sweetheart for sure and for certain - love that gal to pieces....And that looks like some awesome wool to play with! Have fun!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  7. that was so nice of her, can't wait to see your "Santa". Hope you have a great weekend coming up!

  8. (I'm sorry if this is a duplicate comment, my first
    one disappeared and I don't know if it erased or sent)
    Hi, Lecia,
    Holy Moly that's a HUGE bag of wool! Do you know how many Santas and Dolls you'll make from that?! We all can't wait to see what you create. I like that Pumpkin beeswax ornie. I'm going over to visit Pam after I button up a few things. I don't know you Pam but you
    are wonderful! I'm a basket lover from way back, I wove a few while I was expecting 23 years ago. It's like the way ladies describe rug hooking, very peaceful and relaxing.
    Thank you for introducing us to Pam.
    Warm Regards,

  9. Hi Lecia, so happy to hear that Pam sent you some of that wool you were looking for! She is such a sweetheart and so generous! Love your beeswax goodies. Can't wait to see what you will create with that wool! Hope your enjoying your week! Hugs Mary

  10. Terrific!! What a great friend.

  11. hi, Lecia ~ I'm so happy you like your lil' ornies. You are the generous one, you are so good to all of your prim friends and you have a heart of gold.

  12. Aw, that is so very sweet!! What a wonderful prim friend!


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