Sunday, October 9, 2011

My Class Reunion

Sat. evening was my 35th. high school class reunion. Wow, where have the years gone.

Just seems like yesterday we were teenagers. Now we have grey hair, and many of us grandparents.

 You know I am a country girl from WV, I went to the same school (which no longer exits) for 12 years.

There were 28 kids in my graduating class. We had a wonderful meal with lots of laughs and reminising.

And my son and Kelly May Brown provided the music. What an awesome night to remember.

I will share a few photo's. Only about half of the students attended along with a few teachers.

the Mathias High School class of 1976.

I am in the front row, 2nd. from the right.

My husband Ronnie and me.

My son Luke, and Kelly May Brown,
they did an awesome job. Kelly has the most wonderful voice and Luke is one awesome guitarist.
I was very proud!


  1. Time flies when life happens! You are a pretty gal and your hubby is tall! LOL! Your son is a cutie-pie too. I'll see "kids" I graduated with and think "wow, they look old with gray hair..." etc...then I'll get home and do I! (Love your creations at the top of your blog!) Have a good week ~*~Lisa

  2. What a fun evening....You looked especially lovely Miss Lecia - and how very special to have your son provide the entertainment....Wow!! I didn't know he was a musician...Too bad that isn't on your playlist! ;o) Wishing you a wonderful week ahead.... Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  3. you sure look pretty Lecia. I love your hair. Glad you had a wonderful time.

  4. you are one pretty lady and I can tell you are a hairdresser..cause your hair looks fab-u-lous!!! glad you had a wonderful time.;)I just had my 30th..and I am wondering where the years went as well..cause it doesn't seem like its been that long..nor do I feel that old..;)

  5. How wonderful friend!
    And you looked fab! Just love your hair.
    Proud Mama!
    I love your new bonnets. We are about to get a HOBBY LOBBY and I am so excited.
    Happy Fall Pretty Lady!
    Hugs Trace

  6. Looks like everyone was having a great time Lecia and how special for you that your son was there providing music! Not showing any gray on your pretty little head ;-) are you? Love the color!

    Bless you my friend,

  7. Good morning did come from a small school. My husband did as well but there were just a few more classmates - something like 58 I think.
    Now I hope your classmates aren't going to read this but I have to say ...You look the youngest and the best out of the group! Beautiful lady!

    How wonderful to have your son playing as well.

    Thanks for sharing

  8. What a wonderful evening you had sweetie!You look so beautiful!Glad you had a great time!big hugs michelle

  9. Hey Girlfriend~

    Sounds like you had a fabulous time!!

    Have a wonderful evening~Becky

  10. Lecia,
    I agree with the others...that you look the youngest out of everyone from your class. Love your hair!!
    Sounds and looks like you had a lot of fun!

  11. Oh, class reunions. I didn't go to any of mine. You certainly look the youngest and prettiest there :o) I'm glad y'all had a good time and wonderful entertainment.

  12. Hi, Lecia, how exciting! A 35th class reunion, where do the years go? You did look very pretty, you and hubby make a handsome couple! I'm glad you had the opportunity to attend. I've missed so many of mine, but I only went to school with my 12th grade class 1 year! My parents moved at the end of my junior year in Frederick, MD. I haven't been able to travel to Maryland, that is the class I consider my graduating class. Ah, memories...


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