Monday, February 28, 2011

Bonnet Displays

  1.  Denise from Sawdusty's Cabin

Pam Courtney Henry

 Angie from Berry Homespun Primitives

Wendy, Primitives from the attic

Amy from Cottage Prims

Linda, from Parkers Paradise

I am proud to show off some of my bonnets displayed in other prim friends homes, I wanted to show some of the displays.   My bonnets are $18.00 each if interested. Plus shipping.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

New bonnets and a stitchery!!!

I made a few more bonnets yesterday!!!  I love the drab colors!!  I know I should branch out and make something else, but I am having tooo much fun!!!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Some Spring Favorites!

After winning Jean's  giveaway, I had to get out some of my Spring decorations, Jean sure spoiled me, I love her things!!!!!
Take note of my wonderful table runner, it was made by Julie,   I love it Julie!!!
Candle box display: Note the little wax sheep ornies at the bottom right corner, they are made my Amy, Cottage Prims      I love them Amy!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Pictures of Jean "Prim Crafts" Giveaway!!!!!!!!!

  Today was such an awesome day!! I found out that I was winner of Jean  giveaway!!!  I was sooooo excited!!!

  I recently found out that we live a few miles away from each other. So after winning Jean's contest, I knew we were meant to meet.  I was so nervous going to Jeans house , since I am just an old country girl. She lives in a beautiful old farmhouse. And has everything so comfy and cozy!!

 She made me feel so welcome and we clicked immediately!!! Jean is an awesome talented crafter!!!
And she is a beautiful person inside and out. I had such a wonderful time visiting with Jean!!! We talked
like we have known each other for years.

  You talk about one wonderful giveaway!!! I feel like I have won the lottery!!! It was her Birthday giveaway
and she was soooo happy seeing me being happy!!!

Look at this big box, Wow!!

I love chocolate!
I love this pineapple!!
A beautiful pinkeep!!
A spring flower pot!! Too cute!!
She made it all, even the wooden box, The eggs and bunny are beautiful!!! She even gave me two extra flicker lights for the lamp that she grubbied herself.
I love, love this lamp!!!
What an awesome Bunny!!! He is precious!!
Jean you are the greatest!!! I love, love everything, I can never ever express my appreciation!!! You are a lovely person,
and I am so glad that we have met, I am looking forward to our next visit!!
You are truely a beautiful talented person, that I am so blessed to have met!!!! Thank you for everything and for having such a wonderful giveaway!!!!!!! I will cherish everything forever!!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Package in the Mail!!!!

A few weeks ago I received a wonderful package in the mail from a friend. I was so thrilled with everything she made me. Brandi did a wonderful job on everything!!! I love, love, love my goodies. Thanks Brandi!!!

This is the most awesome heart with crows!!!
Look at this wonderful shelf sitter!

She also sent me these wonderful grubbie candles and bobbins that I love!!!!! She sure spoiled me!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

New Bunny!!

   Today I had to go to the vets office which happens to be very close to where  Jean , "Prim Crafts",   sells her things. OMG she had just brought in some new things. I bought this

awesome bunny. I am so thrilled. I will be wanting to stop there all the time.  Isn't he the cutest!!!

  I love Jean's creations, she has the most adorable prims. Thanks Jean for making this awesome bunny!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Child's Innocence and a wonderful memory of Lilly!!!

I have been trying to get back to normal, do you ever. You just learn someway to go on. I did fairly well yesterday until last eve. then got missing her so bad. She was always here to greet me and putting her head in my lap to be petted.
  I was in my bedroom crying the other eve. and my little grandchildren, had to come in and give me a hug. Riley 6 hugged me first and said, "Maw, everything will be alright, I cried too!",   Then little Cole 4, gave me a great big hug, and said, " Maw it will be alright, Lilly will come back!". How precious, no matter how bad I
feel they have a way of making me feel better!!! On Valentines day, Cole came running and gave me a hug and said, "Happy Valentines' Day baby!!!!" He can make me laugh no matter what.
  I am having Lilly cremated and am going  to sprinkle her ashes at our farmhouse in WV, that is where her playmate Chassy our collie/mix is buried.
  Well I really have to laugh at this story about Lilly and would have even paid money to see it.
A couple years ago my husband was outside doing some yard work, this man came almost hysterical into our yard and keep saying, "that black dog has my money"!!!. My husband said, "Mr., What are you talking about?
 Apparently the guy was walking down the street and Lilly ran up to him and scared him. He must have had his hands in his pocket and when he reached his hand out he had a wad of money in it.
 Well Lilly ran off with his money, and when Ronnie got to her, she had this big wad of money in her mouth.
We both laughed and laughed forever about that, the man did get his money back. He He
 Lilly had the most unsual little barking growl that was the cutest, that was Lilly, RIP my little furbaby!!!!
  I am overwhealmed with all the love and support through this, thank you my blogging friends!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Lilly 1999-2011

   First I want to thank all of you for your concern for my dog Lilly. Thank you for your encouraging words and all your prayers, it means so much. Unfortunately I had her put to sleep today. I took her to the vet today expecting for her tumors to be removed and have her back home at least by tomorrow.
  The vet called me this am and said they were unable to insert the trach tube due to tumors being present in her throat. He said he was surprised that she could even eat.
 He had her sedated and advised me to go ahead and have her put to sleep. He said she may live a few weeks, but would eventually not be able to eat and would have difficulty breathing, and this would really cause her to become apprenhensive and panicky.
  I have cried all day, wondering if I made the right decision. And I left her alone and didn't even get to tell her goodbye. I  feel like I was to protect her, not to make the decision to end her life.
 It will be hard, because I really loved that dog and she was my buddy, always waiting for me when I walked in the door.
  But I have to tell myself that she had a good life and was full of life, she was so gentle and a gift from God.
I did pray that she wouldn't have to suffer when she died, and they reassured me that she didn't. But it's still hard.
Lilly the black lab, with my BIL's dog Bo.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Update on Lilly

The vets office called me today and were very surprised that Lilly's bloodwork came back good. So tomorrow she will be put to sleep and the lumps removed. He said instead of putting her to sleep twice, once for the biopsy and again to remove the lumps, he was just going to do it all at one time.

 Then he will send off to see if it is cancer. He is almost sure that it is, due to the lumps being so hard and growing at a rapid rate. The one lump is so big that it seems to be interfering with her swallowing.

  Pray that she makes it alright through the surgery and has a full recovery. I want to thank each and everyone of you for being so caring and for your words of encouragement. And thank you for your prayers for her and me!!
  I love my blogging friends, you have been my rock and support through this. Love You, Lecia

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Please Pray fior Lilly

  I know some people will laugh but please pray for my dog Lilly. We  have had for 12 years and I just fouud

 out that she has cancer. Please pray that she won't have to suffer.

She has two large lumps growing agressively under her neck. I took her to the vet yesterday and he did

bloodwork. He needs to wait for the results but is afraid that it is wrapped around her thyroid.

  I don't want to part with her, but know it is coming to that, I love her like she is one of my kids.

 She is still eating and drinking and playing for now.

Please pray that I make the right decisions concerning her treatment. She is so gentle and just a sweetheart!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

New ornies and Bunny-tin can display!!!

  I have recently found out that a fellow blogger. Jean of  and I live very close

to each other but have never met.

  I finally made my way to her booth at the shop where she has her crafts'  and you talk about awesome.

Jean is one talented girl!!!!!

 I was like a child in a candy store, I wanted everything. But finally decided on some awesome prim

ornies and a bunny tin can display. I just love my goodies, Jean is so talented and such a sweet person!!!

Check out her blog.

  We are in the process of making plans to have lunch one day, I am so excited!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Candle mat

I have been so busy, between working two jobs and babysitting grandkids, not much time for me.
Valentines' Candle Mat, "Raggedy Love"

I did manage to finish a candle mat. I am really enjoying making them. And I made two items yesterday for some swaps I am participating in. But I can't show pictures yet, they are for my swaps, pictures will come later. I am so excited on how my items turned out!!!!!!!!! I am enjoying this crafting!!!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Swap Goodies!!!

Where do I begin, what do I open first???
Such a cute little sheep pillow and Julie's family's favorite "Sugar Cookie" recipe with a heart cookie cutter, (thanks for sharing).
Such a cute saltbox house stitchery!
A sheep and saltbox house wallhangings, I love sheep esp.
A wonderful bag with a beautiful block on the front. So pretty, love the buttons too!!
Such a cute card and lovely table runner, I love this awesome table runner!!! Table runners are one of my favorite things!!! This one is so special!!

What a beautiful candle mat, I love candle mats also, Julie is an awesome quilter, I feel so special owning some of her awesome creations!!! These items are so special to me, and mean alot knowing that Julie made them!!

I participated in a swap that was hosted by Char, "The Pickled Pepper Patch". My partner was Julie,    Julie is such a talented crafter, look at all the wonderful things that I received. Thank you Julie, you really spoiled me!!! I love everything.