Monday, February 14, 2011

Update on Lilly

The vets office called me today and were very surprised that Lilly's bloodwork came back good. So tomorrow she will be put to sleep and the lumps removed. He said instead of putting her to sleep twice, once for the biopsy and again to remove the lumps, he was just going to do it all at one time.

 Then he will send off to see if it is cancer. He is almost sure that it is, due to the lumps being so hard and growing at a rapid rate. The one lump is so big that it seems to be interfering with her swallowing.

  Pray that she makes it alright through the surgery and has a full recovery. I want to thank each and everyone of you for being so caring and for your words of encouragement. And thank you for your prayers for her and me!!
  I love my blogging friends, you have been my rock and support through this. Love You, Lecia


  1. Have been praying for Lilly and will continue to do so!

  2. I have prayed for Lilly. I have a little dog too, and I know how much they mean to you. :)

  3. Prayers for quick healing for Lilly!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  4. Prayer for the best! I know you are worried but hope you still had a nice Valentines.Warm Hugs!~Amy

  5. Praying that everything goes well tomorrow...

    Franciscan Prayer For Sick Animals

    Heavenly Father,
    You created all things for your glory
    And made us stewards of this creature.
    If it is your will, restore it to health and strength.
    Blessed are you, Lord God,
    And holy is your name for ever and ever. Amen.

  6. Praying for you and Lilly. God Bless, Julie

  7. I will continue to pray for her and for you girl! HUGS!!!


  8. Wonderful news for Lilly, praying all goes well,
    prayers for you too Lecia,can be so stressful for the Pet owner and family,I know you are worried.. Our Pets are our childern such apart of the whole family.

    Warm Blessings
    hugs... Trish

  9. Lecia, you know I am praying so hard for her.
    My friend and neighbor had a Jack Russell terrier that got pancreatic cancer and a huge tumor on her chest. The vet did something and gave her medicine and the tumor went away. Little Maizy lived another 2 years and had many, many really good days Your Lilly can get better. I just know it. I have 9 little dogs myself and I know how much we love them. I pray that you will have an easier day tomorrow.

  10. You are both still in my thoughts and prayers.

  11. Glad to hear the bloodwork came back good and definitely have Lilly in my prayers for a successful and safe surgery. Keep us posted sweetie. Prayers for you too. Hugs!

  12. Keeping Lilly and your family in my thoughts and prayers...


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