Sunday, February 13, 2011

Please Pray fior Lilly

  I know some people will laugh but please pray for my dog Lilly. We  have had for 12 years and I just fouud

 out that she has cancer. Please pray that she won't have to suffer.

She has two large lumps growing agressively under her neck. I took her to the vet yesterday and he did

bloodwork. He needs to wait for the results but is afraid that it is wrapped around her thyroid.

  I don't want to part with her, but know it is coming to that, I love her like she is one of my kids.

 She is still eating and drinking and playing for now.

Please pray that I make the right decisions concerning her treatment. She is so gentle and just a sweetheart!!


  1. Lecia,
    It's not silly at all. I am sorry to hear this.
    Lilly has a sweet face, we had to put our golden retriever down last May, he had cancer too. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done, we stayed with him when they did the procedure, I didn't want his last memory to be with someone he didn't know. I know what you are facing, and it will be difficult, I will be thinking and praying for you all.
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. Oh sweetie, if anyone "laughs" they would have no heart! I am so sorry to hear this, I most definitely will keep her in my prayers and you as well, I know it is a very hard thing when our furbabies are not well, sending you a (((((BIG HUG)))))

  3. It is not silly at all - our animals become a part of our lives, filling in the gaps with their wagging tails and understanding eyes. It is never easy to part with them. We had a kitty a couple years ago who was 14 and she was on a steady decline for about a month...I always felt badly that we didn't have her put to sleep to end her suffering (we just couldn't bear to do it) may God help you to make the right decision hon, and remember your sweet Lilly with joy and happiness when the time does come to say goodbye - you gave her a very happy life!

  4. Lecia,
    I am so sorry to hear that your sweet girl is sick. I lost my two and a half year old black lab over two years ago to a liver ailment. We tried so hard to save him. He was my first dog and my 'baby boy' and a day has not passed since he's been gone that I don't think of him. It is never easy making those decisions or letting go of the ones we love. Just love on her. I will be thinking of and praying for you and Lilly.

    If It Should Be

    If it should be that I grow frail and weak,
    And pain should keep me from my sleep.
    Then you must do what must be done,
    For this last battle can't be won.
    You will be sad, I understand,
    Don't let your grief then stay your hand.
    For this day, more than all the rest,
    Your love and friendship stand the test.
    We've had so many happy years,
    What is to come can hold no fears.
    Would you want me to suffer? So,
    When the time comes, please let me go.
    Take me where my needs they'll tend,
    Only, stay with me until the end.
    And hold me firm and speak to me,
    Until my eyes no longer see.
    It is a kindness that you do to me.
    Although my tail its last has waved,
    From pain and suffering I have been saved.
    Do not grieve it should be you,
    Who must decide this thing to do.
    We've been so close, we two these years,
    Don't let your heart hold any tears.

    Author Unknown

  5. I will pray. This request is not silly at all. The Lord knows that we are comforted by our pets many times and He knows that we grieve when there is something wrong with one of them. I have had to go through this 2 times and my heart still breaks when I think of my little Scooter and Sport.

    I've been following your blog for a short time, and I have to say, that I really love visiting!

  6. Hi Lecia, I would hope nobody would laugh at you facing such a hard thing with a member of your family. I will pray that Lilly doesn't suffer, but I will also pray for her owners to have the strength to face what may come. Hugs to you.

  7. I am sorry to hear about Lilly. She is a beautiful dog, that face is so cute! I will say a prayer for your family and keep you in my thoughts!

  8. Oh Lecia....I will be for sure thinking and praying for you all! You are not being silly at all, pets can be our best friends! Hang in there girl and big HUGS to you and Lilly!!


  9. Lecia, my heart goes out to you. Our pets are an extention of our family, sometimes closer than a family member! Your Lilly looks just like my grand-dog Bela. She is 11+ years and been the "rock" my son has needed since he found her at about 6 weeks old. If a dog were to be cloned we'd clone her for sure!
    We don't want them to suffer. I'm sure you will make her last days special.

  10. Lecia,
    I am so sorry. I know how hard it is to be told your dog is sick. I had a chocolate lab that was the love of my life and when he was 9 yrs old I had to have him put to sleep. I could not see him suffer any more. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do, but I knew it was the right thing to do. You will know what is right for Lilly. She is in my prayers as well as you. If I can do anything for you, please let me know.

  11. Oh sweetie it is not silly at all. Our pets are family. I'm so sorry to hear about Lilly and will definitely keep her and also you in my prayers to be able to get through this. She looks so sweet!! Just one day at a time and give her lots and lots of love. Big hugs to you!!

  12. Lecia, NOT silly at all, thinking of you my friend!!! Our pets are part of our family, it's so hard to see them sick and to have to make those decisions, you will know when the time it right! Hugs to you! OLM

  13. Oh, Hon, it is so hard on us when we lose our dearest friends. Having to make choices for them in trying times.....
    It is most definitely not silly. Our pets are our most loyal companions, our babies, our responsibility.
    Currently, we are also being faced with this type of decision, as well. Our 2 male doxies are getting to an age where life is difficult for them. One is 15 and has trouble holding his water--not good for him or us. The other is 10 and totally blind with diabetes and a leaky heart valve. We know these issues won't get better. We will hold off making that decision until they start to suffer physically.But it is hard to watch them not be able to do as they always have.
    Just love her as you always have. Make her as comfy as you know how. Treats now can only be a positive thing. You will know when it is time to let go. I will be praying for you and your sweet Lilly.

  14. Oh sweetie! Of course I'll pray for your fur baby.They are our family.My bosely australian shepherd had to be put down a few years ago and I still miss him.I knew when it was time and it was so hard but I did not want him suffering for my selfishness of wanting to hold on.You'll know.. It will be hard but what's important is the many happy years you shared.Enjoy the time now and spoil her! Warm Hugs and prayers!~Amy

  15. OH Lecia, I am sorry to hear about your puppy..we had a kitty with cancer and we did everything we could..but you will know the time..and I hope she is with you for a long time to come..she will be in my prayers.;)

  16. I'm so sorry to hear this news. Lilly and you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  17. :( I will pray for lilly and I will pray for you and your family. Losing a pet is equal to a human in my book. They may not get to stay with us as long as human years but they sure do wrap as tightly or tighter around our hearts.

    Carmen and the Primcats


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