Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Child's Innocence and a wonderful memory of Lilly!!!

I have been trying to get back to normal, do you ever. You just learn someway to go on. I did fairly well yesterday until last eve. then got missing her so bad. She was always here to greet me and putting her head in my lap to be petted.
  I was in my bedroom crying the other eve. and my little grandchildren, had to come in and give me a hug. Riley 6 hugged me first and said, "Maw, everything will be alright, I cried too!",   Then little Cole 4, gave me a great big hug, and said, " Maw it will be alright, Lilly will come back!". How precious, no matter how bad I
feel they have a way of making me feel better!!! On Valentines day, Cole came running and gave me a hug and said, "Happy Valentines' Day baby!!!!" He can make me laugh no matter what.
  I am having Lilly cremated and am going  to sprinkle her ashes at our farmhouse in WV, that is where her playmate Chassy our collie/mix is buried.
  Well I really have to laugh at this story about Lilly and would have even paid money to see it.
A couple years ago my husband was outside doing some yard work, this man came almost hysterical into our yard and keep saying, "that black dog has my money"!!!. My husband said, "Mr., What are you talking about?
 Apparently the guy was walking down the street and Lilly ran up to him and scared him. He must have had his hands in his pocket and when he reached his hand out he had a wad of money in it.
 Well Lilly ran off with his money, and when Ronnie got to her, she had this big wad of money in her mouth.
We both laughed and laughed forever about that, the man did get his money back. He He
 Lilly had the most unsual little barking growl that was the cutest, that was Lilly, RIP my little furbaby!!!!
  I am overwhealmed with all the love and support through this, thank you my blogging friends!!!


  1. what a great story to share about Lily. Too funny! She was a very smart dog...taking the money and running! LOL!

    Your grandkids are adorable and so sweet trying to comfort you...too precious.


  2. So glad you got some giggles from the grands.It's gonna take time after 3 years I still expect to see bosely.Some dogs are just extra special and nothing can replace them in our hearts.Warm Hugs!~Amy

  3. Lecia, that is a cute story of Lilly taking some poor guys money! Nice trick you folks trained her to do. LOL It was even better that she still had it when hubby got to her.
    Our grandchildren have a way of making things better don't they? What sweet smiles from your helpers.
    Hugz to you friend~

  4. I can feel your pain. We lost our dog Zoe
    on February 2nd. Not having her to greet me
    when I walk in the house is the hardest thing.
    She never wanted to do anything except be by
    our side. She would just follow us around
    the house and that would make her happy. I miss
    her so much. Cherish those memories of Lilly.

  5. Awesome story Lecia!! That's what you have to do, remember those special moments that you had with her!! HUGS!!


  6. We have buried a dog, so I know somewhat how you feel. They are such a part of the family. We buried our dog, and then made a flower garden in the area she is buried. Her name was Tiny, so we named the garden, "Tiny's flower garden." Each spring and summer, we look at the flowers and are reminded of her. It has a been a great way to deal with and heal over the loss of our dog. God BLess. Julie

  7. Lecia~

    What a wonderful memory of Lilly.

    Big Hugs~Becky

  8. Love the story about Lilly taking the guy's money. Aren't our grandchildren the greatest gift from above and can help us to feel better.

  9. what a funny story of your lily..keep those wonderful memories of her in your heart and you will smile more and keep her memory alive..;)

  10. Lecia, it is good to remember all the good times. Grands have a habit of making everything better, don't they?
    I got my bonnets today and they are perfect. I will post them soon. And thanks for the ditty bag!


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