Monday, February 28, 2011

Bonnet Displays

  1.  Denise from Sawdusty's Cabin

Pam Courtney Henry

 Angie from Berry Homespun Primitives

Wendy, Primitives from the attic

Amy from Cottage Prims

Linda, from Parkers Paradise

I am proud to show off some of my bonnets displayed in other prim friends homes, I wanted to show some of the displays.   My bonnets are $18.00 each if interested. Plus shipping.


  1. Your bonnets look beautiful in these displays.Really love the first one sawdusty.Of course I'm partial to mine too.LoL..Warm Blessings!~Amy

  2. I should take a picture of the one you sent me on display. I love it!! Julie

  3. Awesome displays.. I should also take a
    picture of the bonnet you sent me...
    I love it ! Enjoyed seeing how everyone
    displays the bonnets
    Warm Blessings
    Trish -Ladybug :-0

  4. Oooh Lecia, you make bonnets too! Well, as you saw on my blog, I love bonnets and now I gotta get one of yours. Could you get ahold of me please? Thanks!

  5. Cool Pics of all the Bonnets diplayed..Its fun to see where buyers display the things they buy..seems to make it more personal!!



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