Tuesday, June 21, 2016

New Table Runner

Well I am finally out of school for the Summer, I have so many things that I want to do before school
starts in the fall. I have my windows washed and my kitchen cabinets cleaned. That is one thing off of my bucket list. I want to clean some closets, drawers etc. I am still working in my hair salon and helping with my mom. I want to spend some time doing some fun things with my grandchildren and
of course I want to do some crafting.
 I was able to finish a quilted table runner, it was alot harder than I thought it would be. I had to watch a you tube video on how to put on binding about 4 times before I finally figured it out.
I also quilted the table runner with the stitch in the ditch method.

Here are some photo's of my table runner.
The finished top, it was like putting a puzzle together

Close up view

table runner with the binding

Close up view

Love the purple and green together

The back of the table runner


  1. Your table runner is awesome! Love the design. Janice

  2. Wow! I do love your table runner. The purple and green are great together.
    How is your mother doing?
    I hope you are having a great summer so far. Enjoy the Fourth
    Have a safe one. Take care, Janet W

  3. LoVe the colours you put together in the beautiful runner!

  4. I LoVe the little hooked rug mat on your header!
    Hugs Marg.


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