Friday, June 10, 2016

Summer is finally here!

It sure has been awhile since my last post. I had just been so busy working full time at school and doing hair a few evenings a week and on some Saturdays. It is a rewarding job being a school nurse,
I could have cried yesterday when the 5th. graders graduated. Many of them gave me a hug goodbye.
 My mom fell and broke her hip in Feb. and had hip surgery. She was in the hospital twice last month,
she was retaining fluid and it had to be removed. After many tests it was confirmed that she has NASH non-alchoholic cirhossis of the liver. It was a shock even though liver problems run in my moms family. 30 pounds of fluid was drawn off of her and then she was all confused and admitted to the hospital again. She had ammonia on her brain from her liver and the fluid pills she was on was making her loose so much fluid that all of her electrolytes were low.
 It is very hard seeing my mom like this, she is so weak and is mostly confined to a chair.
My sisters and myself and my dad are doing our best to help her get her strength back so that
she can enjoy life again. Please keep my mom in your prayers. It is hard seeing my mom being so sick.
 I know the summer will fly and I have big plans, I need to do some extra house cleaning, spend some fun time with my grandbabies and hopefully do a little crafting. I have missed crafting so much.
  I want to show a few pictures of some of my flowers, some of my garden, some of my Americana decor and two new patterns I just bought. Wishing you all a beautiful Summer!!!

One of my favorite stitcheries that I have made.

My little Bo doggy

Our Garden

New patterns that I hope to make this Summer

My yearbook from school, that some of the little kiddies autographed.


  1. Hey Stranger, :) It is good to see you here. Great thing about working at a school is that you have three months for summer off. I am glad that you have enjoyed it so much and that the children are sweet there. I love all your photos. Your crafts and decor are great and the flowers so colorful and pretty. :)
    I am sorry that your mom has had so much troubles lately :( It IS hard to see that. My mom is in a nursing home and looks so small and frail. I will pray that your mom will recovery well and quickly from the surgery. And that her other conditions will stabilize. You are lucky to have lots of family there to help with her. I will pray for you to have the strength you need to do all that you need to do. Physical, emotional and spiritual strength. God is Great. He knows you and loves you. He knows what you can handle.
    Take care my friend, Janet W ((( BIG HUGS)))

  2. Wow, you have had a lot on your plate lately - hard to squeeze blogging in. Prayers for your mom, it's always hard to see them that way. Your flowers and decor look lovely. I know the feeling with your sweet fifth graders - i always get teary eyed every June when I say goodbye to my ninth graders. Have a terrific weekend. Jane


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