Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Good Ole Summertime

I sure have been enjoying my Summer break from school. I have a bucket list of things to do this Summer. I am doing some deep cleaning, windows, kitchen cabinets, closets etc, because once school starts I only have time for the basics.
 I have also managed to do some crafting which I love to do. I made myself  a Pilgrim couple, pattern by Stacey Meade and have also been working on some Christmas gifts. I can't show them right now, as the person I made them for may see their surprise.
 We also have a garden and I was just thrilled to be able to pick some fresh garden vegetables.
My mom is improving a little but with her disease I am not sure how much she will improve,
so I am helping out with my mom this Summer and enjoying my time with my parents.
 Busy as a bee, that is me for sure. I also want to do some fun things with my grandchildren.
I like to take each one for a day of fun, plus we have a beach vacation planned to take with them.
I also ordered me a wool applique kit that I plant to make for myself for Winter.
Wishing you all a safe and fun Summer.

Pilgrim couple

New wool applique kit

Garden bounty
Different day Lilies, love the different colors


  1. Your pilgrim couple are adorable!!!
    So many wonderful goodies you've been enjoying too!!!
    It's been nice chatting with you!
    Many Blessings

  2. Your pilgrim folk are sweet..and oh to have fresh veggies from your own garden. Suh a delight. Janice

  3. Hello my Friend, I'm glad you are enjoying your summer time. I love your Pilgrim couple. And the applique kit is beautiful. I hope you will show it here when it is finished. I love winter scenes. I miss fresh from the garden veggies. They are so much better than store bought canned. Your photos are nice especially the pretty flowers.
    Things have been crazy here with trying to sort and get rid of old stuff. To cut down on storage expenses. Lots has gone in the trash and lots has gone to the Goodwill.
    I hope you have a great week. Take care, Janet W


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