Sunday, November 9, 2014

Pumpkin in the Can !

I have been quite busy lately with working both jobs, I had this pumpkin doll cut out for weeks and finally was able to get her completed. I was inspired by a sweetmeadowsfarm pattern.
The can I grunged by first painting with brown craft paint, then after it dried I applied  mod podge which I slightly watered down. I then rolled it in cinnamon and let it dry. The label I applied mod podge under the label and then on top, I like the look that that gives. I am asking $24.99 plus shipping, please email me to purchase.Farmhouse Prims

I am beginning to think of Christmas, I love getting my Christmas cookbooks out and love trying new recipes. I also love reading Amish Christmas stories and stories from "Chicken Soup for the Soul Christmas", which always makes me realize the true meaning of Christmas. And Christmas movies have to be my favorite movies, I watch a few of the same ones every year, like "It's a Wonderful Life and "A Christmas Story", I just love Ralphie!
 I am working on a pin keep for a Christmas gift which has a Christmas theme.
  I am one of these crazy people who loves the excitement of finding that bargain on Black Friday,
and I will say I have gotten some great deals. But with Black Friday starting this year on Thanksgiving, it has taken the joy and fun away.
 Thanksgiving is a very important holiday to me, that is time to be with all of my family and to talk and enjoy a nice meal. I feel like it should be that way for the store workers also, they have families too.
 So I choose not to shop on Thanksgiving, which isn't black friday anyway.  Even though I probably will be missing out on some good deals.


  1. I agree with you about saving Black Friday for Friday. Thanksgiving is so overlooked, and I think it's one of the best holidays.

  2. I agree I think Thanksgiving should be spent home instead of working, retail anyways.
    Your pumpkin doll is very cute!
    Your family header picture is a treasure.

  3. Your canned pumpkin dollie is too sweet Lecia! What a cutie!
    You and I have lots of things in common that you mentioned on your post!
    I HATE that the stores will now be open on Thanksgiving ~ very sad indeed!

    Big hugs!

  4. Love your pumpkin doll, too cute! And it's beginning to look like Christmas around here, amazing how quickly the time flies at this time of year. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and I agree, store workers should be able to spend it with their families too!


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