Saturday, November 22, 2014

Anniversary Trip

November 17th. my husband and I celebrated our 35th. Wedding Anniversary,
 We have been blessed with two wonderful children and 3 extra special grandchildren.
 We took a long weekend trip to the Smokie Mountains, we went to several Christmas shows,
and enjoyed the beautiful Christmas lights there.
My hubby and me
Hatfields and McCoys Dinner theater

My hubby at the dinner theater

Smokey Mountain Opry Christmas show

Some of the Christmas lights

When we left for our trip we heard on the radio that in our area  there was a horrible accident where a tractor trailor hit a car. Little did I know that it was my cousin, and she lost her life in the accident.
 When we arrived in Tenn. I found out. I was so upset, but tried to stay busy
to keep my mind off of the accident. My cousin and I had gotten close the last year, and I cherish the precious time that I had with her. I keep reminding myself that she is in Heaven and that I will
see her again one day. She was a sister, mother, daughter and grandmother, she will greatly be missed.
RIP dear sweet Connie,

 I had been so tired and finally went to the Dr. Monday I found out that I am hypothyroid.
I started taking thyroid meds and am really having a hard time adjusting. I am weak, and can't concentrate, I feel like I can barely function. The Dr. told me to try taking the meds at night instead of the mornings and if that don't work to cut my pill in half and take a half pill. I am going to do that, and if that don't work, I think they will need to try a new med. I hate feeling like this, I just don't feel like doing anything, I am praying that I can work next week. I would appreciate your prayers.


  1. Happy Anniversary....and many more!
    Sorry for your loss! My thoughts and Prayers are with you and your family.
    Hope you feel better soon! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


  2. Happy Anniversary! I am so sorry for your loss, my thoughts are with you~

  3. Happy Anniversary!!What a wonderful way to spend the special day. So sorry for your loss, sending get well wishes too. Blessings Francine.

  4. Looks like you had a wonderful time spendng your anniversary. My condolences for your cousin. We went through TN on Tuesday and I saw the snowcaps on the Smokies. I hate driving in the mountains this time of year. Janice

  5. Happy Anniversary!!! What a fun trip.
    I am so sorry to hear about your cousin, very sad.
    Prayers that you feel better soon, be patient and give yourself time to adjust to your meds.

  6. Oh Lecia, I am so very sorry to hear about your cousin, it's always so hard losing someone you are close with. I will keep your family in prayer and also that you will get the right meds to make you feel better real soon!
    Lovely trip you took ~ looks like fun! we were just there not too long ago ourselves.


  7. Lecia, I am so very sorry to hear of your cousin's tragic accident. My deepest condolences to you and your family on her loss and sending healing energy to you and hope you are feeling better very, very soon. Belated happy anniversary wishes to you and your hubby too, here's to another 35 years of wedded bliss together!


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