Sunday, November 2, 2014

New book Review

    My newest book review is an amish book "Becoming Bea" by Leslie Gould. It is the forth book in
"The courtships of Lancaster County". I am given a book to read by Bethany House and my only
requirement is to give an honest review on my blog.
 When I first started reading the book, I wondered if I would like it being written in first person.
But as I continued to read it I had a hard time putting it down.
 The story centers around Beatrice Zook, a strong willed amish girl who always seems to
have to get in the last word. Her family is planning a trip to Montana, and Bea's mother told
Bea that the only way she would be able to stay at home was to have a job.
 Bea found a job helping a couple who just had triplets. And Bea doesn't know a thing about
taking care of babies, but will do anything to get out of going on this trip.
 Bea also finds out that her childhood friend Ben Rupp also works for the same couple. Neither Bea or
Ben will admit they have feelings for each other due to their bickering.
 Will they eventually find true love, or is their relationship damaged beyond repair.
You will have to read the book to find out, a good read!!!!
  The amish have a special place in my heart, and as I read stories about the amish,
I learn alot about their culture and way of life, and this book is no exception.


  1. That sounds like a really cute one Lecia ~ thanks for the sweet review!
    I didn't review any for Oct. and it felt good to take a month off, ha.
    Hope you are doing well.
    Big warm hugs,

  2. It's been a while since I read a book ~ I have a stack of books that I picked up but haven't found the time to read ~ maybe on those cold winter nights!
    Sounds like this would be a wonderful book to read ~ TFS
    Prim Blessings


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