Friday, September 26, 2014

Wonderful visit from an awesome blogger friend!

Today I had a wonderful visit from a special friend. Jean of "Prim Crafts"

I think the world of Jean, I feel like she is one of my sisters. And we just have the best time

visiting and laughing and talking about crafting. Jean and I did a swap and wait until

you see the goodies that Jean made for me. She is so talented and brought me the most wonderful

fall goodies. I love everything Jean, I love our visits and will forever cherish our friendship.

Now for the wonderful things that Jean made me.

Look at this cute standing pumpkin doll

Love this awesome pumpkin

What an adorable kitty and pumpkin set

Beautiful fall card

One side of the tag reads Trick or Treat

The other side says Happy Halloween, Love the dolls candy corn and necklace.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Wonderful act of kindness!Thi

Isn't it wonderful to receive an unexpected package. And then you feel like a child on Christmas morning when you open it! Well the other day I received a wonderful package from my wonderful friend Trish. She used to have a blog and that is how we met though blogging. We have stayed in contact and have become really great friends. I hope I can meet Trish one day.
Trish has a heart of gold and she sent quite the goodie box. She sent me some treasures, and my best friend Shelia has recently had major surgery, and she sent her some goodies. I won't show a picture of Shelia's goodies since they are wrapped up, and she even sent something for my husband that her husband had made. Trish and her husband are both so talented and I am proud to call them my friends. Thank you soooo much Trish!!!
Such a beautiful act of kindness!!!!

Look at this box full of goodies.

Two beautiful pinkeep! Love them!!!

My hubby and his handmade key holder!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Getting ready for Fall

I love fall, all of the beautiful colors, pumpkin and apple pie, going to the apple orchard and
getting fresh apples. The crisp cool air, the crackling of leaves under your feet, colorful mums and leaves, and fall decor.

I love fall decor, I think it is all the beautiful colors, I will share some photo's of some of
my fall decor.(Warning lots of pictures). Wishing you all a beautiful fall.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

New Doll and Prairie Doll sale

I wish I would have kept track of how many bonnets that I have made, but I am sure it has been over 200 if not more. Plus I have made many other crafts. But rarely do I keep anything for myself.
I did decide to make me a crow doll. She is a big doll.  The pattern is by "The Smiling Goat",
I am tickled with how she turned out. I always tweak patterns to my liking by adding or not adding
something, I just like to do a little twist to my liking.

 I am also working on some other things, but they are for
gifts. I don't want the recipients to see as they may look at this post. I will show at a later date.

Now for some photo's of my crow girl. Hope everyone is having a great week.

I am offering two of my prairie dolls,  they are $36.99 each,  I am running a special until
Sept. 15th. I am offering free shipping on these dolls. Email me if interested.
Farmhouse Prims

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Wonderful swap goodies!

Sara "Salmon Falls Prims"  and I  did a personal swap. I am always so thrilled to receive anything

from Sara, since her and her husband make the most wonderful wooden items. Sara  is

always coming up with something new.

  She spoiled me with so many wonderful things. If you don't know Sara, please stop by

her blog and check out her wonderful items. Thank you Sara, I love everything, and

I was certainly spoiled. I cherish my beautiful things from you Sara, but most of all

I cherish your friendship.

Coffee pot cover, and k-cup holder 

Beautiful sign with yellow ware bowl

Another beautiful sign

candle holder with candle, fabric, tarts and waxed ornie

Spice cabinet, love the leather hinges

New item she has for sale, snowman

I decided to put the spice cabinet on top of my pie safe

Appliance cover, hiding my coffee maker

K-cut holder


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Miracle in a Dry Season

I am a book reviewer for "Bethany House". I am given a book to read, and my only
requirement is to give an honest review.

My book this month was "Miracle in a Dry Season", by Sara Loudin Thomas.
It had to be one of the best books that I have ever read in a long time.
It is one of those books that you read and you feel like you are right there with the

I especially loved the book since I grew up in WV.
 The story takes place in 1954 in a small town in Wise, WV. Perla Long and her daughter Sadie
move to Wise so that they can be hidden from Perla's past.

Casewell Phillips is satisfied being a bachelor until he meets Perla. but can he get past
Perla's past.

The town experiences a severe drought. Perla has unique gifts. But her gifts divide the town.
Is there any hope for Perla and Casewell in a town where so many people reject her?
This is a story of faith, forgiveness and fear. I recommend this book highly!!!

Monday, September 1, 2014

New Pinkeep

I really have been enjoying cross stitching, My latest project I was even able to stitch on 18 count
aida cloth. I don't know if I will ever be able to master stitching on linen or osanburg. It is
hard for me to see the tiny squares.  I am finding
that cross stitching can be addicting and relaxing.

  I want to show some of the pinkeeps and stitcheries that I have completed so far.