Saturday, September 20, 2014

Wonderful act of kindness!Thi

Isn't it wonderful to receive an unexpected package. And then you feel like a child on Christmas morning when you open it! Well the other day I received a wonderful package from my wonderful friend Trish. She used to have a blog and that is how we met though blogging. We have stayed in contact and have become really great friends. I hope I can meet Trish one day.
Trish has a heart of gold and she sent quite the goodie box. She sent me some treasures, and my best friend Shelia has recently had major surgery, and she sent her some goodies. I won't show a picture of Shelia's goodies since they are wrapped up, and she even sent something for my husband that her husband had made. Trish and her husband are both so talented and I am proud to call them my friends. Thank you soooo much Trish!!!
Such a beautiful act of kindness!!!!

Look at this box full of goodies.

Two beautiful pinkeep! Love them!!!

My hubby and his handmade key holder!


  1. What a great surprise! Now my mind is racing trying to think who I could bless with something!

  2. That must be ab awesome feeling! So glad you had it!
    Be blessed,


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