Friday, September 26, 2014

Wonderful visit from an awesome blogger friend!

Today I had a wonderful visit from a special friend. Jean of "Prim Crafts"

I think the world of Jean, I feel like she is one of my sisters. And we just have the best time

visiting and laughing and talking about crafting. Jean and I did a swap and wait until

you see the goodies that Jean made for me. She is so talented and brought me the most wonderful

fall goodies. I love everything Jean, I love our visits and will forever cherish our friendship.

Now for the wonderful things that Jean made me.

Look at this cute standing pumpkin doll

Love this awesome pumpkin

What an adorable kitty and pumpkin set

Beautiful fall card

One side of the tag reads Trick or Treat

The other side says Happy Halloween, Love the dolls candy corn and necklace.


  1. How sweet, love all the goodies...Blessings Francine.

  2. You are so brlessed to have a blogging friend close by. And such a talented one too. Love the pumpkin doll and all your goodies. Friends are wonderful. Have a great weekend,

  3. What a special friendship! I love all those gifts! Jean is so talented as are you!
    Happy weekend

  4. How adorable that pumpkin is wearing shoes! Jean is so sweet. Janice

  5. wonderful!!!
    esp. love your pumpkin girl!


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