Thursday, September 4, 2014

Wonderful swap goodies!

Sara "Salmon Falls Prims"  and I  did a personal swap. I am always so thrilled to receive anything

from Sara, since her and her husband make the most wonderful wooden items. Sara  is

always coming up with something new.

  She spoiled me with so many wonderful things. If you don't know Sara, please stop by

her blog and check out her wonderful items. Thank you Sara, I love everything, and

I was certainly spoiled. I cherish my beautiful things from you Sara, but most of all

I cherish your friendship.

Coffee pot cover, and k-cup holder 

Beautiful sign with yellow ware bowl

Another beautiful sign

candle holder with candle, fabric, tarts and waxed ornie

Spice cabinet, love the leather hinges

New item she has for sale, snowman

I decided to put the spice cabinet on top of my pie safe

Appliance cover, hiding my coffee maker

K-cut holder



  1. Hi Lecia, Nice background...great minds think alike, I have the same one! LOL.
    Love the things you got from Sara in your swap! I am sure what you sent her was special too! Have a great weekend!
    Be blessed,

  2. What a nice swap. Sara sent some lovely goodies :)

  3. Wow how sweet.
    I love Sara's wonderful things.
    Woolie Blessings

  4. Lecia your swap items are awsome, she is very
    thoughtful. Really love the snowman!
    Have a wonderful day....suppose to be very hot and humid here today.

  5. Wow! Those are some awesome swap goodies!
    Love them all! Have a wonderful weekend!


  6. Holy smokes what a wonderful swap! Love all of Sara's creations and they look right at home in your place Lecia!

  7. WOWZA Lecia!! YOU made out like a bandit! Looks like you ordered them, they are so perfect in your home decor! (I can't even imagine what she paid in shipping all those wood pieces)~ she did a wonderful job on everything!



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