Sunday, July 20, 2014

Summer time fun!

Last week my family and I were on vacation in the Outer Banks of NC. We actually stayed on
the beach Corolla where there is wild ponies. Unfortunately I wasn't able to see the ponies this time,
 about 20 years ago I was there and saw them alot, they have been moved to one part of the island for their safety, as many were hit by tourists.
 I forgot the battery to my camera so I didn't get to take as many photo's as I would have liked.
I have a fear of heights, so I was proud of being able to climb to the top of a lighthouse in Curituck.
I made it to the top, took one look and went back inside, I just couldn't make myself walk around the outside of the lighthouse at the top.
 We had a wonderful time except on the second day Stephanie burnt the bottom of her feet, second degree burns. Due to being diabetic she has lost some of the feeling in her feet. She had to go to the hospital and have them bandaged and was given medications. I am pleased to say that they are healing well.
 I enjoyed seeing the grandkids having so much fun, we also had fun playing cards and games in the evenings. And we ate some wonderful beach seafood. Ronnie and I drove to a fish market one day
and got fresh shrimp that we fixed one eve. with fresh corn on the cob and fresh green beans.
We saw a beautiful sunrise at the beach one morning, and just had a wonderful family time.
On vacation we always play mini golf, love doing that with the grandkids. A few photo's.
Jake and Cole riding with pappy and maw

The beautiful sunrise on the beach one morning.

Ronnie and I

Pappy, Jake and Cole building a sand castle

Family beach fun

Playing games with the kiddies

Matt, Cole and Riley

Luke, Rhonda and Jake

Stephanie and Riley
I was able to finish a book that I am reading for Bethany House for a review, such a good book, by
Beverly Lewis, "Child of Mine", I will do a post on the book in a few days.
Little Bo was so happy for us to be home, now he can relax.
I also finished a fall pinkeep. Pattern by "Pilgrims and Pioneers"          
Little Bo, my mommy and daddy are home at last.

New fall pinkeep

Love the pattern by Pilgrim and Pioneers


  1. Morning, what a wonderful time, beautiful beach... Love the sweet pumpkin pin keep, sweet, Blessings Francine.

  2. Looks like a great time at the beach! Except for the trip to the hospital, of course. Cute photo of Little Bo! Also love your pinkeep! ~Jessica

  3. Oooh ouchie! I've had my feet burned before from walking bare foot on hot tar roads in the country. Poor gal, prayers they heal quickly. Gotta watch out for that ole Mr. Sun.
    Looks like everyone had a good time at the beach.
    When I was going out, I always dreaded leaving the pets and was relieved to get back home with them.
    Your punkin cross stitch looks great!

  4. Sure looks like you had a great time.You know I love that pinkeep!

  5. Looks like a great time with the exception of the burnt feet, :-(.

  6. Glad everything turned out alright..looks like you had fun! Janice


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