Monday, June 30, 2014

Scarecrows in a Bucket

I have really been busy this summer. I am still working in my hair salon, but am off from school.
So I am trying to get alot accomplished. I have been cleaning and cleaning my house and decluttering. I have been doing deep cleaning that I have put off for years.
Yesterday my hubby and I took a whole pick up load of things to my friends Shelia's house,
we are going to have a yard sale the end of this week. I am hoping to use what money I make, (shouldn't count my chickens before they hatch), to help get new flooring for my living room.
 I think I have cleaned every closet, and every cabinet in my house.I have cleaned
from top to bottom of everything, today I even washed and waxed my car. I am tired but
it sure feels good getting so much accomplished.
  When school starts I know I will be busy I have already been asked to fill in for a nurse that
will be on maternity leave. I also want to do a little crafting before school begins. This weekend
 I decided to make something for fall.
I used a pattern by "Samantha's Accessories",  It is a Scarecrow in a can.
The cans are approx. 19" tall and filled with fall goodies, pumpkins, a sunflower and a rusty star.
I am asking $36.99 plus shipping if interested. You can contact me by the telephone link on my sidebar.
  I also have been told by several people that I should put a label on my quilt. I ordered a tag from
etsy and stitched it on my quilt, I want to show you that.
  I have several day lillies, they are blooming now and I wanted to share some pictures of them also.
Hope everyone is having a beautiful Summer. I sure am enjoying the beautiful Summer!
So hard to believe that tomorrow will be the first day of July.


  1. Love that little scarecrow! So cute! And always love flowers!

  2. love the scarecrows! makes me long for my favorite time of year--AUTUMN! But happy 4th of July!!! Maggie

  3. Love love the scarecrows.
    I too am Fall stitching..
    Your so talented friend.
    Beautiful flowers too.
    Woolie Blessings

  4. Morning, so cute your Scarecrows in a bucket. Love the flowers, so pretty, Blessings Francine.

  5. WOW could you pleez send some of that energy to me!! LO LOVE the scarecrow in a can and new label! Aren't the lilies very pretty this year? Maybe its cuz of that very long winter we had that they seem a bit prettier to me!! LOL Take cae and keep on keepin on!! XOXO Love Fran.

  6. Wow, you should be very proud of yourself for getting so much accomplished! That's always a nice feeling! Cute scarecrow and the flowers are beautiful!

  7. Oh my goodness, I want your energy, your scarecrows are awesome, pretty tag, and huge lilies! Good luck with your garage sale. Have a wonderful Fourth of July my friend :)

  8. Oh Lecia, your scarecrow in a can are so cute!! I'd buy one if I wasn't so broke!! LOL
    Gorgeous Day Lillies!!! My Asiatic Lillies have already bloomed and gone for week or two now.

    If you don't mind, could you email me the link to the Etsy shop w/those darling quilt labels??? too cute!!


  9. Your scarecrow is adorable Lecia and so glad you put a label on your quilt! Your daylilies are very lovely, they are one of my favourite flowers. Now that you've finished cleaning your house, want to come for a visit and do mine??!! Take some time to enjoy the summer now that everything is spick and span, hope you makes lots of moola at the garage sale.

  10. Love ur scarcrow. Good luck with ur sale. Have u read u are the winner of my doll giveaway. Please contact me to confirm ur address


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