Monday, July 21, 2014

Wonderful Book

I am a book reviewer for "Bethany House". The only requirement for my book reviews is that I give
and honest review of the books that I read.
 I love amish books, especially by Beverly Lewis. I was thrilled that I was chosen to review,
David/Beverly Lewis's new book, "Child of Mine".
  The story is about 8 year old adopted Natalie. She is being raised by her  Uncle Jack Livingston.
after her parents were killed in a plane crash.
    She is also being cared  by her Amish nanny, Laura Mast,
who has taken care of Natalie since she was a baby, and loves her as her own child.
 Eight long years ago Kelly Maines little baby girl was kidnapped, Kelly has hired a private investigator, to help her find her daughter. Now, finally she has a lead about a little girl only
a few miles away. Could Natalie be her long lost daughter or is Natalie's mother her amish nanny?
You will have to read the book to find out.
 The book keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire time, not sure of what is going to happen.
I totally loved this book and highly recommend it. This was one of those books that I couldn't put down.


  1. Oh it sounds great! I can't wait to read it, I too love Amish books!

  2. I am so mad at myself for not choosing this book as my review!! I chose another one and didn't care for it much! So I am going to have to 'borrow' it from the library! LOL
    Thanks for the heads up!


  3. This was a fascinating read!!!
    I bought it a little over a month ago when it came out and couldn't put it down...what a twist it took huh???? I recommend it.


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