Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Some projects in the making.

I know I have been MIA for awhile, it is so hard to keep up with blogging when I work so much, but
my work will be slowing down for awhile, so I am hoping to get back to crafting.
I am so bad to have a couple projects going at one time. I am always making bonnets if I get a spare
minute. And am always on the lookout for some reasonable primitive fabric.
  I have been enjoying cross stitching, and have a project that I have just started.
Also I have been contemplating for a long time to make a quilt/comforter with my scraps of fabric.
I have been trying to do some research on how many 5" squares you need to make a quilt.
I am thinking that I am correct, but it seems to be 504 total. Now if you buy the charm packs I know it is
easier, but I want to use some of my scrap fabric. Have you ever tried to cut 500 squares by hand, I have
300 cut 200 to go. Then I am thinking of making the 9 Patch disappearing quilt. After sewing the 9 patch you cut it
down through the middle hortizontal and vertical. This makes 4 more squares. You rearrange them and then
you sew them together. It looks like a hard pattern, but I am hoping it is very easy.
Then not knowing  if I can quilt a big quilt like that on my simple machine, I may just knot it like people used to do. Any pointers or suggestions will be appreciated on what I should do. It will probably take me months if not years to finish it. he he But at least I am getting started. I have heard of people using a flat queen sheet
for the backing any suggestions or pointers on that.
Wishing everyone a beautiful day!


  1. Well done you Lecia for cutting 300 as I know how much time and effort it takes and I didnt need to cut so many!
    Looks like your doing the same x stitch as me!
    Just enjoy your free time!

  2. Morning, love the cross stitch, wish I knew how. beautiful bonnet too, Blessings Francine.

  3. I guess it has been one of those winters for a lot of us being MIA, it's creating people out of us we don't even recognize! At least for us snowbound states.
    I hope you never stop making those bonnets - I have one of yours and I love it. You do a wonderful job so I can only imagine how great a quilt will be. You are more eager to get into something challenging than I am dear friend. Good luck to you.

  4. Wowza Lecia, you go girlie!! That's a LOT of squares!! I made a lap size or a little bigger quilt a few yrs. ago w/5 in. charm squares and I don't remember it being nearly that many!
    Love the colors and wow, what a challenge!!


  5. Love your fabric Lecia, your quilt is going to be awesome! The ladies at church tie all of their quilts (for world relief) and use sheets for backing. I think it's great you have more than one project going...keeps things interesting! ~*~Lisa

  6. Wow...I do not think I could cut that many squares. I am wondering why I started this penny rug. It has 116 pennies to it. LOL Good luck! Janice

  7. Hello my aren't the only one with lots of projects happening at once, I think its just how the creative mind works!
    Love the new photo at the top and all your projects.

  8. Love love patchwork quilts the best..
    And yes I tie them like the old days.
    I have also used sheets too.
    And your bonnets are truly wonderful.
    Woolie Hugs

  9. I need to cut down a lot of my fabric into squares. I would love to see a picture of the quilt you are planning to make. It sounds very interesting!

  10. It's been a long time since I have done any cross stitch. It's also been awhile since I've blogged too. I think I have the winter blahs!

  11. Lovely cross stitch piece.I can't wait to see your quilt,the fabric is gorgeous.My momma ties her quilts and also uses sheets for the backing.Be blessed,Jen

  12. Oh my, 500 squares! I applaud you for starting your project Lecia but no hints or tips since I'm not a quilter. Good luck and can't wait to see how it progresses!

  13. The bonnets are so pretty. I am also starting a large quilt, my first large one. Ii is Sunbonnet Sue for my granddaughter, out of remnants of the clothes that I have made for her. I also do not have along arm machine, so sewing it on a regular machine may be difficult. Looking forward to seeing photos of your quilt. I am going to post photos of mine all along my journey :)


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