Saturday, February 22, 2014

Awesome Book!

Have you ever read a book that you just couldn't put down. I have just finished a book like that.
The book "All Things Hidden", by Tracie Peterson and Kimberley Woodhouse was an awesome book.
 It takes place during the depression era, and although the characters are ficticous, many of the things in the book really took place. The setting is in Alaska. It takes place in 1935, during the great depression. Many of the people in the lower 48 states are struggling
to have food and shelter during the mist of the depression.
 President F.D. Rossevelt transported 200 families to the Matanuska Valley of Alaska in 1935,
it tells how at first they travel by train, and many people develop sickness and disease while traveling.
Once there they live in tents and must build homes quickly and put away food for the harsh Winters in Alaska.
  The story centers around a Dr.Hillerman and his adult daughter Gwyn, who is a nurse. They have dedicated
their lives to helping the people in Matanuska Valley. I am a nurse so I felt connected to Gwyn.
  Gwyn's mother and sister left them when Gwyn was a little girl. They moved back to Chicago in
the states, where her mother was used to wealth.
  In Chicago a young Dr. Jeremiah Vaughan has lost his medical license and decides to go to Alaska
to get away from it all. He ends up working with Dr. Hillerman who he met as a boy. He has to keep
his past a secret. But to make matters worse he was about to marry Gwyn's sister until she dumped him
after he lost his medical license.
 He tries not to, but falls in love with Gwyn, how can he tell her that he was once about to marry her sister,
and how can he tell Dr. Hillerman that he has no license to practice medicine.
 There is also a murderer on the loose that adds to the suspense of the story.
I loved this book and recommend it highly. I am hoping that this book will become a series.
I received this book from Bethany house. I am a book reviewer for them. After reading the book,
I am to give an honest review.
 This book is one of the best books I have ever read, it has to be up there in my top 10.


  1. Sounds like just my kind of read! I recently read Tracie Petersons Alaskan story and thoroughly enjoyed it.
    I'll be on the lookout for this one!
    Thanks Lecia.

  2. I am going to have my husband look it up on my kindle and maybe in book form, which I love a book more than the kindle.

  3. Morning, thanks for the tip, always love a good read, Blessings Francine.

  4. The book sounds very interesting.
    It has been a long time for me for a book to hold my interest.
    Have a great last week of February friend!

  5. You must get a different list to choose from than I do! It sounds really good and I'll have to keep my eyes open for it ~ thanks Lecia!


  6. This one sounds like a good one Lecia! Thanks for sharing about it ~*~Lisa

    Thanks for sharing.
    Woolie Hugs


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