Saturday, March 8, 2014

Did I ever mess up!

Yesterday I couldn't get on the internet, I am just lost anyway when it comes to computers. Well I restored it back to it's original state. Not good, I lost all of my patterns and pictures. I could just cry. I had a nice collection of patterns and now they are gone. But more that that I am upset about my pictures, so many wonderful pictures of my grandbabies. It is just a mess. And I thought I had my patterns saved on a flash disk, and when I inserted the disk nothing. I tried to save my pictures, but it said I didn't have enough GB's or whatever, and of course I put it off getting another one. I am just about sick over it, but need to just deal with it and learn a lesson from it. Don't put off what I should do today.
 On another note I have made 4 bonnets this weekend, two a farmhouse green and two a colonial blue.
They are $22.99 each plus traveling fee. Please email me at if interested.
  Also I finally got all of my 500 squares cut out for my disappearing 9 patch quilt that I am making with
my scraps of fabric.
I made my first square. Now only 55 more to go. Since I work I have to work on my projects a little bit at a time. So my goal is to get it finished by the end of the year, hopefully sooner.
I will share some pictures of the first square.

farmhouse green with a dark brown print

Dark Blue with a design throughout

First I sewed 9 ---5 inch squares together

Next cut straight down through the middle

Then you cut  though the middle to make 4 bigger squares

Place the 4 squares together any way that you want and sew together
It really makes a beautiful pattern and looks as if you cut all of this fabric in all of these different sizes,
when you don't. It is just how you cut the 9 patches. I am anxious  how my quilt turns out,
it is going to be a variety of colors. It will be called my quilt of scraps. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!!!


  1. Don't give up on your patterns and photos. I think they are probably still there on the hard drive. Take it to a computer store, and I think they could probably retrieve it. When my son fried his Macbook by spilling a REALLy large drink on it, all the info was able to be retrieved. You'll have to pay someone, but it is worth it. That quilt pattern sounds like fun, I need to remember that.

  2. That is just so sad Lecia........I'm no better when it comes to this computer stuff!
    Beautiful bonnets and starting of the quilt, that's a big project :)

  3. Lecia, I am soooo sorry you lost your patterns and pictures :O( I am so bad at backing up by computer as well, time I got out those memory sticks and do it before I'm in the same boat. Your first square is looking amazing, what a neat pattern! Can't wait to see it as it progresses and love your new bonnets! Deb

  4. Oh Lecia, I wanted to cry about your pics & patterns. I believe Melinda is right, we had several computers 'crash' and our computer tech was able to retrieve our pictures for us. They are probably still there, you just need a 'guru' to get to them for you. I invested in an "external hard drive" for about $99. It will hold thousands of pictures safe and sound. You just download your pics to it via usb cord. Good luck, I know how precious the pics are! Also, if you go to your picasa web album, it will have pics from your blog stored there. ~*~Lisa

  5. Love your quilt beginning - beautiful!

    So sorry about your photos and patterns losses. I DID buy an external hard drive to back up all the stuff important to me that is on my notebook pc and had every intention to do the same thing on my 14 year old Compaq PC before it crashed on me....but it was quicker than I was and I lost EVERYTHING on it. Very upsetting. Live and learn, I guess. I continue to back up things important to me on this notebook daily so that doesn't happen to me again.

    Love the bonnets too! I've yet to try my hand at making them.

  6. Morning Lucia, so sad hearing your loss on the computer. Your bonnets are beautiful as always. Blessings Francine.

  7. Sorry to hear about your patterns but esp. the pics! I have no idea how to save anything either, so I need to have my son show me, lol.
    Your quilt is going to be gorgeous when you get done! I have seen that method before and always wanted to make one, so now I'm inspired.
    Darling bonnets as usual.

    BIG hugs,

  8. So sorry about your patterns. That happened to me once. Learned my lesson too. I love how your quilt looks.and how easy that one square was. cannot wait to see your progress. janice

  9. So sorry to hear of your computer woes! I agree that most if not all of your files can probably be saved by a computer tech.When my hard drive failed recently my son was able to save most of mine.I am blessed to have someone that understands the things because it is all gibberish to me.LOL! Love your beautiful bonnets .The quilt pattern is so neat.Big hugs,Jen

  10. Oh no! Our computer crashed and we lost a lot of photos and files too. Just have to start all over again.
    Pretty colors your bonnets are. Oh my goodness, I would be so confused trying to cut and sew a quilt. I'm so glad there are gals like you that can do it :)
    We're having Spring like weather over here. Mud comes along with it too... ugh.

  11. Love your new bonnets...and oh my...the quilt looks so simple and the effect is wonderful. I may just have to try my hand at that pattern! Thanks for sharing Lecia!


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