Friday, December 6, 2013

Swap Goodies

My great friend Tammy from Tammy "NC Primitives from the Past" and I decided to do a Christmas swap. Tammy was the first person that I ever swapped with and we continue to do at least 2 swaps a year.
Tammy has been very inspirational in my crafting and is always giving me encouragement and advice.
I know that one day we will meet in person and I am looking forward to that.
Tammy always sends me the nicest things and certainly knows how to spoil me.
Thank you Tammy, I love everything and most of all I cherish our friendship.

Look how pretty everything is wrapped.

Snowman Bob, isn't he so cute!

Santa in a sack, I love him!

Candy cane boy

I had told Tammy that I had a candy cane girl, but no boy, she made me a boy. They match perfectly!!!!

Yummy tarts, mini candle holder and lovely prim postcards.

                                      She also gave me a note pad that I forgot to take a picture of.


  1. Oooohhhh!!!! what wonderful swap goodies you received Lucia. Love the Santa, Bob and the candy cane boy is so cute, Hugs Francine.

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE all the wonderful creations you received! You are very blessed!

  3. Sweet gifts.Love the snowman couple.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  4. OH WOW!!! Lecia those are great things!! I am sure you have them all displayed perfectly also! Have a great weekend!
    Be blessed,

  5. Oh my gosh, what wonderful swap gifts! Love the candy cane boy, he's the perfect mate for your lovely girl :O) Deb

  6. Great swap Lecia! Love your background too! ~*~Lisa


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