Monday, December 9, 2013

Getting Ready for Christmas

My crafting has been on hold as I am working both jobs everyday, in between I am trying to get ready for Christmas. I was able to make a snowman for a swap. We had ice storm yesterday, so school is canceled for today, so I need to get off the computer and clean my house and I think I will bake some cookies and put the in the freezer and save for Christmas. I do have my tree up, but I probably only put a forth of my ornaments on my tree. I do have my Christmas cards fixed up, I need to finish my shopping and some baking. So I am getting there. As I put up my Christmas decor, many of my things are from fellow bloggers,
I didn't mention names, because I don't want to forget anyone. And my tree has many ornies from fellow bloggers. I cherish each and every item from you and smile and think of you as I look at them.
 I met my sisters and two friends at Cracker Barrel for our Christmas get together Friday, but forgot to
take some pictures, We had a wonderful time, then Sat. I went to WV to the farmhouse. Ronnie and I put
up our tree there and built a fire and watched two Christmas movies, such an enjoyable time. And I forgot my camera to take pictures.
Now for some pictures of some of my Christmas decor. WARNING-Picture overload!

Snowman I made

The true meaning of Christmas!

I took a class and painted this years ago.

My new Arnett Santa


  1. What lovely crafts & decorations! I love the little chest with the snowman skating ... & your Wynter Time stitchery, & your pinkeeps, & your old manger set, & your sifter collection, & the snowman centerpiece, & ... lol! Truly lovely things, all displayed so nicely. Your home looks very warm & inviting!

  2. Christmas wonderful friend.
    What talented friends.
    Love your Arnett Santa.
    Woolie JOY

  3. Glad you got some time with loved ones.Don't over do it today.Christmas is in the heart not how much we get done ( Ha listen to me miss over do it herself) Your decor is wonderful.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  4. You have some really cute snowmen and I love the fat little gingerbread man in the bowl!

  5. Morning, love the displays, enjoy the Christmas over load!!!! Enjoy the day, Blessings Francine.

  6. What wonderful Christmas decorations. The swap snowman is also very cute. Your house looks so festive and holiday-ready :)

  7. Everything looks so wonderful! I love all of your hand made creations.

  8. I just love all of your decorations :-) Everything is displayed so nicely.. Have a wonderful day! Hugs~Melissa

  9. You can never have too many pics Lecia! Your new santa is awesome. Love everything - the tree with little red mittens is precious! ~*~Lisa

  10. Ooh..aren't you lucky to have an Arnett Santa - love all of your decorations Lecia..everything looks so lovely!

  11. Everything looks wonderful! Hope you have a very blessed Christmas...Take care. Lots of hugs and love, Laura R.


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