Saturday, December 21, 2013

Wonderful surprises!

I have been working so hard and am so tired.. But now I can finally breath and enjoy a few days off.
I love to watch Christmas movies, but usually don't have time until after Christmas and the day after Christmas they are usually off TV. But my husband has been taping some for me.
  Sweet Jean "Prim Crafts" stopped by my house the other day. I was on my lunch break, so I didn't get to
visit with her as long as I would have liked too. I really have to watch what I say around Jean, I had asked her awhile back if she would be making any standing Santa's for her booth. I should have known better,
well what did that girl bring me for Christmas but a standing Santa. He is so adorable! I love him so much!
I will cherish him for ever. Jean is one of the sweetest persons that I have ever met and she has really been
an inspiration to me in crafting. One day I want to learn to cross stitch and she offered to help me. So that is
on my "Bucket List". I am so honored to know Jean and have her for a friend.
I am really excited, she is going to start designing patterns, and I know they will be awesome. If you don't know Jean stop by her blog and check it out. Thank you again Jean, I love, love my Santa P.S. Jean,
I am glad I hinted. he he

I also received a surprise package from one of my customers that has bought bonnets from me.
 Her name is Sandra and she is so sweet. I was so humbled when I received her package.
She sure made my day.She sent me a wonderful primitive bear and a primitive star.
Words can't express my gratitude and thankfulness to her and Jean for being so kind to me.
Here is the bear and star aren't they adorable.

As many of you know my daughter is insulin dependent diabetic and struggles with an eating disorder
If I had one wish for Christmas it would be for her to be better and have a long life.
So when you say a prayer remember my daughter. Christmas is a hard time when you are dealing with
an eating disorder.
 I hope each of you you have a wonderful Christmas with friends and family and remember that
Jesus is the Reason for the Season.


  1. Oh Lucia, what a sweet friend Jean is, the Santa is the star and prim bear to....Christmas Blessings Francine.

  2. Jean has always made the sweetest santas. Been praying for your daughter. Big hugs! Amy

  3. Lecia I am so glad that you get a few days off! I have probably heard but forgot what is it that you do?
    I love the Santa Jean made for you, so pretty and the star and bear are darling. Thanks for sharing!
    Have a great weekend.
    Be blessed,

  4. Lucia, what great friends you have, very thoughtful! I most certainly will keep your daughter in prayer. Merry Christmas!

  5. I sure will pray for her. My granddaughter Rachel is a type 1 diabetic and I say a prayer for her every day.
    Love your Santa and bear. Very sweet.

  6. I will pray for your daughter, for sure.

    Your Santa is just what I like!!!! So prim! The star and bear seem to fit right into your decorations!


  7. What a sweet friend to bring you such a nice gift! The bear & star are really cute too!


  8. Lecia!! WOW! For a gal so busy you have gotten so much done! I was alittle behind on your blog.... Love your Santa!! Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas! OLM

  9. What sweet gifts! Merry Christmas to you. I will keep your daughter in my prayers.
    Hugs :)

  10. Your Santa from Jean is awesome Lecia, I read on her blog she wanted to start a pattern line - she is a great artist like you! Sorry to learn of your dtr's health struggles. Will say a prayer from a mother's heart! Health and joy for her and you in 2♥14 Lecia ~*~Lisa


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