Saturday, November 30, 2013

Some Thanksgiving Photo's

I am hoping everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving. I love Thanksgiving. That is the only holiday that all
of my side of the family is able to all get together on. Everyone made it this year except my one Brother In Law. He was unable to make it because he had to work.
We also give the school age children Christmas gifts that day, so it is like our Christmas celebration also.
My sister Lena hosted it this year, she lives in a lovely home on several acres and has some goats and
chickens, the kiddies always enjoy going and feeding them.
 I will show a few pictures of our big day. I have so much to be thankful for, I am so thankful for
my family especially. And it has been 11 months since moms surgery on her arm and leg and the Dr.
has finally released her. It is so wonderful to see her doing well again.
I really thought I had gotten everyones picture, but see that I am missing Michael my niece, Hillary's husband.
Riley, Jake and Cole

Steph, Ashley, Austin and Jordan is Lina's son.

Hillary Lena's daughter, my grandkids and Steph my daughter

Our newest addition, Austin, he was a preemie and is doing well.

Robert, Lena my sister, Nathan and Lina , she is Nathan's mom

My dad, Mat my SIL, and Bev, Lina's husband

My nieces Regina and Emily

Emily, Annabel, Luke, Ronnie and Hillary

Rhonda, Logan and Luke my son and his Girlfriend and her son

Me and Ronnie

My mom and Luke

Hillary, grands and Raven, she is such a sweet dog and reminds me of my Lilly


  1. Those are great pictures! Thanks for sharing. I am so glad you had such a nice Thanksgiving!
    Be blessed,

  2. Morning Lucia, looks like a great time was had by all, wonderful pictures, Blessings Francine.

  3. Lovely family pictures Lecia! Glad you had a blessed Thanksgiving! Hugs

  4. A great looking family.Love that you all were able to get together.Looks like a great time for everyone.Christmas Blessings,Jen

  5. What a beautiful family friend.
    Big woolie hugs

  6. Wonderful family pictures, looks like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  7. Wow Lecia, full house! Your mom looks like she is doing well♥ To have family around during the holidays is truly a blessing. ~*~Lisa


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